What the hell went wrong?!

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" Kayla had made it pretty clear that she doesn't want you interfering with Kianna's matches." Vince says to me from across the desk.
I frown and uncross my arms. I was pissed. The divas champion now has to take orders from a retired diva? Like what the fuck?
" Your fucken joking." I say angrily.
" Young lady, excuse me?!" Vince says in shock at my language.
My eyes sharpen as I stare down Vince.
" I ended her career and took the only thing that mattered to her. She's gone. Done! Kayla has no say in what the fuck I do. If she has an issue with me. Tell her to fucken say it to my god damn face. Not go behind my damn back and tattle tail." I say to Vince in an uproar of anger.
Then I get up before Vince can say anything else to me. The seat behind me hits the ground as I storm out of the office. As I force the door open it connects with Dean. He falls forward into Seth and they go at it with a shoving match.
I watch for a moment before I speak.
" I swear to god you two are morons." I say.
Deans eyes shift to me as Seth stops the fight.
" And you can do better? Your a girl." He says.
I grin slightly and just watch him.
" Go on. Try me." I say.
Dean then tries to grab for me. That's when I quickly RKO him to the concrete ground. As I roll to a kneel I see Seth's eyes light up.
" You must be really angry if you just RKOed someone off camera... And for no reason too." He says to me.
His eyes then shift to dean who is now on the ground knocked out cold.
" That's what happens when I'm angry.... I don't give a shit..." I say to him.
Then I turn and walk away towards the locker rooms.
Tossing my clothes into my bag I hear the locker room door open. My eyes quickly glance up seeing a familiar face. Then they go back to the bag. For a second it almost seemed normal to see her face. Then it hit me. I stand up straightening out my back as she walks closer to me.
" Kayla." I say trying to hide the shock.
She looks at me and grins.
" Good luck tonight against Mia. I will be in the best seat out of them all." She says.
I roll my eyes as she walks by me.
" Good luck to you too. Your going to need it." I say to her.
Then I toss my bag into my locker and walk out of the locker room.
Tossing an empty water bottle in the trash, I look over at my father. He was talking to Hunter and Stephanie. It seemed like a very interesting convo from across the room. They were using a lot of hand gestures and stuff. I then see Mia walking into the room with a few of the new NXT girls. Wonderful.... Just wonderful... They were laughing and chatting. Man have things changed...
"Dakota your on next." I hear josh say from the hallway.
As I look behind me I see his head just disappear from behind the door.
I head to the gorilla as I run through tonight's goal. Goal one..... Beat Mia. And second, keep Kayla angry. Oh how amusing it gets when she grows angry. That's when you know it's going to be a good night.
" Are we good?" I ask a crew man.
He looks away from the monitor and at me.
" we are still on commercial. I need Mia first as it is. Her song is first on the venue. So hang on." He says to me.
I let out a slight breath and lean myself against the wall. I had only cooled off slightly from earlier. But I wasn't going to just beat up a stage crew guy because I'm frustrated.
Finally not even a moment later Mia comes walking down the hall in her weird ass attire. Way too many colors for me. And there wasn't even any black.
    " Let's get this over with. I have to be in Florida by 1 tomorrow." She says.
The guy nods and plays her song. As she walks out into the arena I roll my eyes. Why am I here right now. I have other things to do.
     " alright Dakota. Go get her." He says to me.
I grin an evil grin and then hear my song hit. As I walk out I see Mia in the ring sitting against the ropes. Odd for her, taking it she's normally walking around flaunting her breasts around. The crowd cheering though as I walk down the ramp. I walk past the camera guy and climb up the side of the ring. The ring announcer finishing up my intro. I do a split and then pull myself under the bottom rope. As I come back up I roll to my feet just in time to hear Kayla being introduced.
     " And their special guest referee, Kayla Summers!"
The crowd screams and cheers out of shock. Ya ya Kayla has been retired for some time now. But really? All this nonsense. She walked down the ramp waving at the crowd.
Looking away I toss my jacket over the ropes. I knew I shouldn't have, the thought of Mia being behind me was haunting me. As my jacket hits the ground I hear the bell ring. Kayla knew I wasn't paying attention.
By the time i spin around I see Mia coming at me. She threw a good right hand at me knocking me backwards. But after that she backed off kinda shocked that she hit me. I straighten myself out and walk in a wide circle. Mia follows and then we lock up in the center. Neither of us budge until I knee her in the gut a few times. Then I grab her by the hair and pull her face to the mat hard. I roll back to my feet as she lays there with her hands on her face. Kayla seemed to care more about Mia then she did about being back in the ring with me.
" Oh get up!" I yell at Mia.
She was just laying there her chest slowly rising and falling. As I walked closer I saw her eyes and that's when I knew something was really wrong. I walk over to her and kneel down beside her, her face covered in blood from a nose blood. But her eyes... They were rolling backwards.
I look up at Kayla and then over at the announcement table.
" Get the medics out here now!" I yell at Kayla.
She seemed frozen almost. Not knowing what to do. And honestly neither did I. After a moment of both of us just watching Mia lay there I get up and slide out of the ring. I run over to jerry and a ring director worried.
" She's not getting up.... Get the medics now!" I shout over the crowd.
Jerry then radios backstage and soon enough medics run down the ramp with a gurnie. As they work on Mia I hear the bell ring. That was one win.... I want to forget about....
I could see Kayla standing on the ramp still staring down at the ring. I slowly walked up to her while holding a shaky hand on the title.
Both of us stand side by side as they lay Mia on the gurnie. The crowd now In silence.....

Authors note: Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in like forever. Iv been busy with work and NASCAR. Not to mention college. Just heading back from Hendrick Motorsports. Charlotte was pretty fun. Hopefully soon enough I can be working along side all them guys.... Anyways hope ya'll enjoy!

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