After the Race

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As I rush down off of the pit box I see Brad straighten his car back out after purposely hitting Denny. I was so pissed I couldn't even think. I jump off the last two steps of the pit box and land on the solid ground. I bolt towards the garage area as I hear another crunch. That's when I stop and see Tony backing up into Brad.
" what the fuck is going on here." I say in a frustrated tone.
Brad then drives around Tony and follows Denny. That's when I bolt after the two cars. I watch as they go to cut through the garage. That's when Brad stops Denny in his tracks.
" fucken kid better not touch him or I'll shoot him." I say to myself as I run towards them. The crews of the 2 and 11 are ahead of me trying to get to them. As soon as I get to the garage though Brad speeds off and Denny follows.
Finally I get to Denny's car as he climbs out.
" Denny it's not worth it." Darian says to Denny as Denny try's to push through to get to Brad.
I grab hold of him and try to hold him back as the crew pushes Denny towards the hauler.
" Fucken kids an idiot! I want to rip his head off!" Denny yells as I grab hold of him tightly.
" Knock it off Denny." I say to him.
As we walk by Brad that's when Denny snaps. He almost breaks free but a few crew man and I hold him back
" Denny go to the hauler." I hear one of the guys say.
He says it like six more times before we can get him into the hauler. Darian walks in after and shuts the doors behind him.
"It's a good thing your girl was here... You would have been fined for attacking Brad." Darian says to Denny who is still angry.
The tv had the race footage playing as Denny takes a deep breath. All of a sudden he looks up at the tv.
"Out of my way! Out of my way!" He hears.
" is that Kenseth?" He asks.
As soon as he finishes his question Matt Kenseth comes running in view of the camera and almost tackles Brad.
" YOU HIT ME, I HIT YOU!" Matt continues to yell as he keeps punching Brad.
" Get em Matt!" Denny yells as Matt still has his hands on Brad as the crews try to separate them.
That's when I get up and give Denny a look. I then walk out of the hauler and go find Jimmie.

Kayla's POV
I was running down towards the in field care center after Kyle had wrecked kasey. It was a hard hit too. As I push through the care center doors I see Samantha waiting with Kyle. As I walk by them I give Kyle a glare which must have set off his wife. I didn't care at this point though. I was more worried about kasey then anything.
I knock on the door and hear the doctor say come in. I open the door slowly with my nerves acting up. My stomach was in knots when I saw Kasey sitting there. I heard the doctor talking about how lucky he was. That the neck brace would have seriously hurt him because of the angle he hit the wall at.
"There will be some bruising but nothing major." The doctor says.
I instantly exhale calming my nerves.
"That's good." I say interrupting them.
Kasey smiles at me enough to make me know that he's alright. That's when Samantha walks in.
"How is he?" She asks trying to make it seem like she cares.
I roll my eyes and think for a moment.
"He would be better if your husband knew how to grow up." I say back to her.
"Excuse me?!" She says almost shocked.
She grabs hold of my arm and spins me around.
"Don't you ever talk about Kyle like that. What gives you the right to say that about my husband." She says to me.
I give her a look and then speak.
"If he was mature then he would have never wrecked Kasey just for a spot in the chase. He would take the elimination like a man and move on. Work towards next year. Not just take out himself and Kasey for no reason." I say to her.
Then Samantha shoves me with anger in her motion.
"How dare you!" She yells which is when Kyle comes into the room.
Kyle grabs hold of her before she can run at me. Kasey then holds onto me and forces me out of the room.
Dakota's POV
As I walk up to Jimmie I wave at the other three Hendrick team mates. Kasey's car was destroyed because of an earlier accident where Kyle Busch and Kasey ended up making it four wide with Paul and Alex Bowman. Paul got loose causing Kasey to push Kyle up the track. Kyle had scraped the wall which caused him to grow angry and turn downwards to spin Kasey out.
" So now what Kasey? It's not possible to make up six spots at dega. It was hard enough for Johnson and I to get up into the top four." Dale says to Kasey.
Kasey sighs and shrugs.
" No idea.. I have to win at Talladega I guess." Kasey says.
" hey Kahne!" We all hear.
I look down pit road alittle bit and see Kyle Busch making his way over to us. His eyes glued on the sight of Kasey. Before I can do anything kasey starts to walk towards Kyle. Once they both met up it looked like the big show and mark Henry getting ready to go at it. They were standing up straight just looking at each other. Then Kyle shoves kasey back.
"Hey!" Dale yells and then he starts to walk towards Kyle and Kasey.
Both Jimmie and I follow dale over to them as Kasey then shoves Kyle back.
"Kasey stop!" Dale yells.
Dale then grabs hold of Kasey and pulls him back. As Kyle throws a punch Kasey ducks and pushes dale out of the way. He then throws another punch back at Kyle.
"Enough!" I yell as I step between both of them.
I shove Kyle backwards and push kasey into Dale. Dale grabs hold of kaseys arm and doesn't let go. Kyle gives me a glare as I stay between them. I then look at Jimmie, Jeff,Dale, and kasey.
"Let's go you guys." I say to them noticing the cameras all around us.
Dale nods and pulls kasey along with him as the others follow. I'm the last one to turn around and walk back towards the garage area leaving Kyle alone on pit road.
"So what's going on?" Denny says as I shut the door behind me.
He sitting on the couch wearing jeans and a white t shirt. His arms perfectly shaped. He always works out to keep his strength up so he can keep control of his car during races.
"Well I'm heading to raw. I have no clue what your doing." I say throwing down my jacket onto the couch next to him.
"Your mad...I can tell." Denny says in a low tone.
I give him a look and walk into the bedroom to grab my stuff and pack.
"You know I didn't mean what I did earlier dakota. I was just upset and angry." I hear denny say.
I ignore him as best I can and continue to put my clothes into my black leather duffle bag. I finally toss my attire in and zip up the bag. I walk over towards the side table and grab the keys to my car. Then I walk out into the area where denny still sits.
"Your to hot headed for your own good. I'm having Darian teach you how to act while I'm gone. Bye denny." I say to him then I grab hold of the door knob and open it.
I turn away trying to ignore the fact that his eyes are staring me down. I then slip through the door and shut it behind me. Once I drive out of the coach parking lot I start to think. Am I really going to go against Tara for the spot I earned?
I hit the gas just enough to pull out in front of Alex bowman and his Lexus. I can hear him revving the engine as my lambo drives down the asphalt road that leads out to the tunnels. I glance up at my mirror and see him trying to show off. That's when I laugh and speed up. I hear his little turbo charged Lexus follow behind me. I pull closer to the tunnel waiting for a few haulers to go through. That's when I put my car into neutral and rev the V12 engine. As the 83s hauler starts to pull forward I see the Lexus coming up along the side of my lamborgini. I roll my window down forcing a smile onto my face. Then Alex lowers his passengers side window and stops along side me.
"Wanna race?" Alex asks me.
I grin and nod. Then he lines himself up with the tunnel to the left as I line myself with the right. I roll my window up and grab hold of the steering wheel and rev my engine loudly. I can see the guard ahead of me starting to grab for his gun that rests in its holster along his side. I rev my engine and the next thing I know there we are speeding off through the tunnel. The guard yelling out at me and firing his gun. I had the lead as we both go through the tunnel. I can hear Alex's Lexus shifting because of it whine. His turbo forcing air out of the exhaust causing a low whistle but a loud swoosh noise with every gear it shifts. I pull ahead leaving Alex in the dust. As my car climbs up the hill and over the blind spot I look behind me seeing that Alex has changed lanes and pulled in behind me. As my eyes shift back to the road I instantly jam on the brakes hard. The rear end I can feel locking up as I try to keep the front end straight. The rear of the car steps out slightly scraping the right wall. The tires create so much smoke as I desperately try to stop the car.

Alex Bowman's POV

I had lost sight of Dakotas car for just a moment. I decided to change lanes just in case another car was coming over the blind hill that's ahead of me. As I shift lanes in my pearl white Lexus my eyes catch a glimpse of Dakotas Lamborghini's tail lights. They then lit up like a Christmas tree as the car swerves. I pull my car into first gear and try to slow it down as she desperately continues to try to get her car to stop. As my car finally comes level with hers I see my teammates hauler ahead of her. She was heading towards it going almost 160mph. There was no time... I couldn't bare to witness her car smashing into the back end of the hauler. I pulled my car into a drift and stopped hearing a loud crunch and then the haulers brakes squealing. As I look up all I see are the tail lights. There was no part of the car left.
I shift into second gear and force my car down towards the accident. It looked like something from either the fast and furious or need for speed. I get out of my car seeing how the front end of Dakotas car is wedged under neath the haulers trailer.
"DAKOTA!" I yell desperately.
I run towards what's left of the car. I can see her arm and hand sticking out from under the rubble. Her hand motionless and covered in blood. Her arm sliced open and covered in blood.
"Dakota!" I yell again as I desperately start to pull pieces of the car away and fragments of the haulers away from her.
After five minutes I grab hold of her and drag her out of the rubble. Ryan's driver and I lay her down beside my car as the Lamborghini continues to burn. Her face is covered in blood from a gash on her head. Her clothes matted with blood. As I pull my cell out to call 911 tears start to fall. I can feel the fear building up inside me. My hands shaking, my body trembling.
" call the cops! The fire department! Anyone!" I yell at the truck driver as the guilt fills my stomach.
He quickly grabs his phone and calls the boss. I sit there with Dakota in my arms. Her heart beat slow as anything. At this moment my mind went blank. This whole thing was my fault.... As the car burns I hear the sirens in the distance. All I could do is hold her as straight as possible so I don't hurt her and so she doesn't choke on blood if there is any in her mouth.
The one thing that is scaring me the most....her eyes have not opened since she hit the trailer.

Authors note: IV been through hell and back this week. You can prob notice by the way this chapter changes so quickly. Well vote and comment. Most of all, enjoy:)

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