Night Of Champions

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I climb into the plane with Tim behind me. I haven't been myself for the last couple days. I settle in on the jet as we take off for the UK. It was two in the morning when we took off.

(Skip plane ride)

I grab my attire and head to the locker room. My nerves very crazy and they are giving me anxiety. I know Denny is looking for me and the rest of nascar. I sigh as I walk by Nikki and Katlyin. I then go into the locker room and throw on my new attire. It's all black with a little red on it. And the cloak now covers me completely like undertakers. The show begins as the hair dresser curls my hair. My make up was already done. Kayla and I have our match after Kane takes down Daniel Brian. So we go out second.


I watch as Daniel walks out towards the ring. My nerves were way too active for me to focus. That and that Denny was racing too. He was running 35th last I heard. He made really hard contact with the wall on lap 50. I know he is worried about me. I just need sometime away from him. From all of them. I'm sick of nascar. All I did was try to teach Kasey a lesson.

" Your all set Dakota." The lady says.

I nod and get up heading to see my father before the match. Tim was talking to him as I walk up to them.

" Good luck tonight Dakota." My father says. I grin and then look at Tim.

"Good luck Tesa." Tim says. He hugs me and then I turn my head towards the gorilla. Hearing Kane's music play means one thing. He won his match and now it was my turn.

I walk towards the gorilla trying not to freak out. Kane walks in and signals to me good luck. I nod and grin slightly.

" Just one more time before I go,

I let you know,

That all this time Iv been afraid to, let it show,

Nobody can save me now,

Ohhhh no body can save me now,"

My song hits and I come out as the crowd cheers. I can see the cage hanging above the ring.I do my thing and then walk to the ring. I do my split and go under the ropes.

" Making her way to the ring, The challenger, from Nashville Tennessee, Tesa Orton!" They announce as I walk down the ramp. I look to my left and back to my right. I see Kasey sitting in the front row. His face still covered in bruises and cuts from Kane taker and I. I grin evilly and then climb onto the ring. I do my split and slide into the ring. I roll onto my feet and then climb up onto the second rope and hold my arms out like my father does. Then I climb down and lean against the ropes that are towards the back of the ring. Kayla's music hits and the crowd screams. They always have favored her. A little after two minutes Kayla reaches the ring and we ready to fight.

" This is for the divas championship." Jim Ross says.

The cage finally surrounds the ring as we settle in and ready ourselves.

I come closer as the ref rings the bell. That's when Kayla and I lock up. She has the upper advantage and knees me in the gut. She then grabs my head and twists herself around to perform a neck breaker on me. I go down hard feeling the pain shoot through my body. As I open my eyes I see her going for an elbow drop. That's when I quickly roll out of the way and let her make contact with the mat instead. She rolls onto her back holding her elbow. I roll to my feet and ready myself for a spear. As Kayla gets up I bolt at her and plow her into the far left ring corner. She collapses after her back hits the post. I grin and grab her arm. I then send her into an Irish whip. She comes back at me as I go to hit her with my arm extended but she dodges it and goes under it. She then kicks me in my back and tries to put me in a submission. The black widow is what it's called. I try to fight out of it. I had learned something from Paige. I break out of the submission and perform Paige's finisher, the Paigeturner. Kayla slams the back of her head onto the mat. Her body hurls over and hits the mat after her head. She stays motionless as I catch my breath. I lean against the ropes as Kayla starts to come to and start moving. I walk over to her and pull her up. I then perform a neck breaker on her. She rolls away in pain and pulls herself up. I walk around the ring showing myself off. I can hear Kayla as she goes to spear me. I front flip over her and leans behind her. As I spin around I kick her in the face hard. Then I punch her in the gut causing her to stumble. As I go to perform an RKO Kayla pushes me out of the ring and I hit the ground hard. I roll out of the way and lean my back against the cool steel cage. Kayla raises both arms and the crowd cheers. She then runs full force jumping out of the ring. She collides with me knocking me out. Kayla picks me up and rolls me into the ring. She then climbs onto the top ropes and jumps off landing on me. I yell in pain but manage to kick out at 2 1/2.

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