A game changing event

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I wake up weakly feeling my back scream in pain. I barley can remember the convosation from last night with Vince. I know he wanted me to stay home today but I just can't. I need to keep myself prepared just in case Mia goes at it. And I'm not leaving Kayla alone to fight her. God forbid anything happens.

As I load my stuff into the car I see Mia walking out from the hotel. A Starbucks coffee in her hand and her cell in her other. She was walking towards john Cena's bus. I didn't think anything of it until I was already heading to the arena. Tonight is going to be fun. I know Kayla is going to make her speech about beating me. But here I am. I may not be 100% but hell I'm still here.




I pull into the parking lot and climb out. My back screaming in pain. But what do you expect? I was thrown into fire.

I take some pictures with the fans and then head for the building. The show after a paper view is always a big one. That's when all the results are announced and new people rise to the top.

As I walk into Sandra's room I see Kayla already being measured. She had a few of the other girls with her. The title was back home where it should be. But hell I'm going to get it back soon enough.

" Hey Kayla." I say to her.

I then look at Sandra and she hands me my attire. It was almost the same as my last one but it was purple this time.

" Good luck tonight girls." Sandra says to us as we walk out of the room.

The first thing to happen tonight is Kayla's speech. I'll be back here watching to make sure no one screws around.

As the fireworks go off the crowd cheers like every other show. As the announcers are talking Kayla's song hits. I watch her walk down to the ring all excited. She raises the title up and the crowd cheers. I smile as she begins to talk.

During her speech I start to notice some things going on. Once the lights start to flicker I get up and bolt down the hallway.

" I knew this was going to happen." I say to myself.

As I reach the gorilla I hear Kane's explosion. I quickly glance at the monitor and see Kane in the ring holding Kayla. I can see the undertaker on the ramp. He raise his microphone and speaks. I wait for my chance to go out and take him down. As he raises his arms I run out from behind him and catch him off guard. As he turns around I grab his throat and quickly throw him to the ground. I pick up the microphone and raise it to my lips.

" Now now Kane. Do we really want to do this hear and now?" I say to him.

I can see him laughing. Now I know how this whole thing up next was staged but still... To the audience... It's real.

I hear the crowd cheering loudly. I know what that means. Undertaker is to his feet again. I first watch Kayla break free from Kane. But then and there is when it get serious. Mia jumps into the ring from behind Kayla. Before I can say anything undertaker grabs hold of me.

" Stay put." He whispers to me.

Mia hits Kayla off the head hard with a chair. I watch as she hits the ground. Mia then picks up a microphone and walks towards the side of the ring that is facing me.

" I have a proposition for you Tesa." She says to me.

I watch as she slides out of the ring and walks closer to me with Kane beside her.

" Join us Tesa. Join the darkness." She says.

Kane starts to laugh. And that's when I take a deep breath realizing the segment a while ago. I have all the powers that they have. I'm stronger then them.

Mia walks up to me and lifts my head up from my chin.

" You join us Tesa. And all your worries will be gone." She says to me.

I still say nothing to her. I give her a look and then look away. Then finally I say something.

" Never in my life would I join you." I say.

I counter and kick her in the gut. I then elbow undertaker in the chest and try to break free.

" END HER!" Mia yells.

Undertaker grabs me by my neck and picks me up. He choke slams me hard onto the steel ramp. As I come down I land on my arm awkwardly. Mia then targets the arm. She stomps on it multiple times. But that's when AJ styles comes out with the core. Mia takes off through the crowd. AJ takes on undertaker while Wade Barrett takes down Kane. The others including justin go to Kayla and help her up. I pull myself up and glare over at undertaker. Then at Kane.

" You two have betrayed me for the last time! By Damien! You two will go to hell and not come back!" I yell into the microphone. I then signal for the lights to go out. On the stage right behind us, flames rise high. Undertaker bursts into flames and collapses after a few minutes. I then look at Kane and the contacts I have in make my eyes glow bright red.

" You have a choice brother... You either obey or you perish like your older brother." I say.

Kane backs away and kneels down.

" Good... Justin how is she?" I say into the microphone.

Justin nods as Kayla finally stands up.

" Your divas champion ladies and gentlemen!" I say.

As soon as Kayla was about to say something the lights go out. When they go back on both Kane and I are gone. Leaving AJ styles, the core, and Kayla out to finish up.




I grab a water bottle and gulp it down fast. I see Mia walk in and that's when I act like Jeff Gordon the day him and Jeff Burton got into a fist fight. I grip the bottle tightly and then throw it in the trash. I knew the cameras were around but I didn't care. I walk over to Mia and push her into the wall.

" You want me to join your little group? The one I destroyed in a matter of two seconds. Their loyalty belongs to me. And that urn does nothing to me." I say as I force her against the wall.

" How about this Tesa. An extreme rules match. You and I. If I win you will join us. But if you win-" she says but I cut her off.

" If I win then I end you." I say.

I throw her into a table and walk to the locker room.

Authors note: sorry if it's short. I'm out on the road and getting ready for school tomorrow. Kasey Kahne congrats on your win!

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