Chapter 8: Who's Stronger?

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"Hyung, wait!", Jungkook runs after Taehyung, trying to stop him from leaving while Taehyung keeps ignoring him, heading towards his car.

Jungkook finds Tae right before he could enter inside his car and back hugs him, clenching his fists into his boyfriend's shirt.

"Hyungie, please.", he says in a sad whisper while he burries his face in Taehyung's back, his eyes a little teary, "Please don't go".

"Jungkook", Taehyung holds Jungkook's fists in his palms, pulling away from the hug and turning to face him. He cups his doe-eyed boyfriend's face as he speaks, "It's not about you Koo. I just cannot stand people who don't respect my personal boundaries. You don't have anything to worry about. Why are you even upset huh?", his voice soft.

"I am upset because you are upset and I am upset because you are leaving like this. Mad", Jungkook's voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey, sweetheart, look at me. Whatever happened up there has nothing to do with you. I will see you tomorrow in the office. Okay? Don't overthink this", Tae tries to console Jungkook not aware of the fact that telling Jungkook to not overthink is similar to telling Elon Musk to not think about science and technology. Jungkook can never not overthink and that's a fact.

"We have never had a time when we just be together and maybe cuddle. I thought you'd stay over tonight hyung. Please stay", Jungkook hugs the older again burying his face in his chest with lips pouty and eyes teary. "You might think of me as a clingey boyfriend. Don't you hyung?",he says in a sad voice only to make Taehyung chuckle.

Taehyung tightens the hug around Jungkook as he says, "You are the cutest boyfriend I have ever had Jungk ook. I just want to keep you like, in my embrace, safe, warm and protected." He kisses the younger's head.

"Then keep me like this, hyung, don't go. Not tonight", Jungkook whispers, his head resting on Taehyung's chest.

"I can't go back in while he is still inside. I just can't", he says petting the younger's head.

"You don't have to leave Taehyung", says Jin coming out of the building holding Namjoon's hand. "We are both leaving. It is already very late"

Jungkook pulls away from the hug and wipes his tears before turning to face Jin and Namjoon. "You are leaving hyung?"

"Yes, Kookie. I hope we can help these two sort things out later", he says looking at Namjoon and then, Taehyung, "but I think it's best if we leave the two of your alone for now." Jin gives Jungkook a warm hug before leaving with Namjoon. Namjoon and Taehyung don't say anything all the while.

Jungkook sighs turning back to Taehyung. "You still want to leave?", his doe eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

"It would kill me to see you upset Koo. I am not going anywhere", he smiles at the younger.

"Oh so you are staying because you don't want to see me upset. Not because you want to stay. I see", Jungkook teases his boyfriend and earns a smack on his shoulder for this.

"Don't put words in my mouth baby. Let's go in. It's cold here"


It's been around half an hour since they got back inside Jungkook's appartment. Taehyung changed into some comfortable PJs and tshirt he found in Jungkook's closet and they are now sitting on the bed facing each other, looking all serious.

"You REALLY think that you'd make those puppy eyes and pouty lips to make everything happen exactly the way you want it to happen. Don't you?", Tae asks the younger in a tone as serious as it could get.

"No. I am not trying to do anything hyung. Why can't be just watch Iron Man in live in harmony?", he pouts.

"You are doing it again Koo. Don't."

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