Chapter 67: The Second Gunshot

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Taehyung's heart aches a little when he watches Jungkook leave with Namjoon and Shane. His precious boy had been subjected to so much pain and so much torture. All because of Taehyung. He blames himself. He blames himself for not being able to protect the man he loves and for being the very reason Jungkook had to go through what he did. Painful memories flash by in front of his eyes as he remembers all those years of sobbing in a corner after his step father would rape him and beat him up if he resisted. He remembers the pain, the bruises, the blood, the cuts, the humiliation. He knows what it feels like to be treated like you are nothing. He never wanted for Jungkook to feel even 1% of what he felt but he failed. He couldn't protect his baby.

Guilt consumes him as he thinks about the time when he attacked that maniac to protect a neighbourhood kid. Sooman procured major brain damage but he didn't need the damage to be a maniac. He always was. A paedophile. A disgrace on the face of the Earth. Taehyung's heart sinks thinking about how he didn't check if the monster was dead before he ran away. He should have. A few more hits and he would have been too dead to put his filthy hands on Jungkook.

His eyes darken with determination as he decides he wouldn't repeat the same mistake again. He will kill Sooman and he will make sure he is dead. He leaves the room with Yoongi and some of his men who stayed back, looking for the man he is dying to kill, his gun in his hand.

He reaches to what seemed like a large hall. Dirt everywhere, spider web clinging to the walls, old broken furniture lying here and there. Where could he be? Taehyung thinks when he finds his phone ringing, an unknown number flashing on the screen.


"Oh my son!", comes a voice that sends a shiver down Taehyung's spine.

"Where are you?", Taehyung asks, not wanting to waste any time.

"I just realised that you managed to let your little pet escape. Too sad. I was having fun with him. His skin is soft. You are a lucky man", Sooman chuckles. Taehyung clenches his jaws together, his palm formed a tight fist, his eyes raging with anger.

"You know Taehyung? I think the little one was really enjoying himself while he was with me. He didn't make any sound, didn't try to resist at all. Oh, you got yourself a cute one! I am sad he left before I could actually fuck him. I wonder what how his moans would sound when I-"

"If I were you, I would stop talking about him just to avoid a painfully slow death", Taehyung responds, his face stoic.

"Or maybe..just maybe", Sooman chuckles, "I kill you first, find your gorgeous man and do to him but I couldn't before. You know, I was going to kill him but now that I have tasted his lips, I won't. Not before I am done with him atleast."

Taehyung laughs. He laughs out loud at that, Yoongi looking at him weird. Taehyung takes his time laughing before he speaks again. "You have no money to hire more men. Most of Youngjae's men are dead. My baby isn't drugged or chained up anymore. The fact that you think an old weakling like you can put your hands on him again is hilarious. You have a chance of killing me but you have no chance of touching him again. "

"Really? Fine then. Now that I know I have to kill all of you. I will start with the one who is right in front of me on her knees.", Sooman says, his voice refects his evilness.

Her knees? Who was he talking about? Yoongi and Taehyung shoot each other a terrified look. Dami? Gahyeon? Sooman wouldn't kill his own daughter. It could be Dami?

"I WILL CUT YOU OPEN AND WATCH YOU SCREAM IF YOU HURT MY SISTER!", Yoongi yells at the phone. Warehouse was quiet and he could overhear the conversation this whole time.

"Who was that?", Sooman asks, sounding confused.

"You don't need to hurt people who aren't involved", Taehyung says, looking around trying to find where Sooman was hidden.

"Oh Gahyeon is involved!", Sooman grunts and Taehyung goes still. Gahyeon? The woman he had on gunpoint was Gahyeon? His own daughter?!

"SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER, YOU MONSTER!", Taehyung heard himself scream before he knew it.

"And yet she betrayed me. She is here to help you. She betrayed her own father. She doesn't deserve to live. Do you Gah?", he looks down at her as she shivers in fear, tears run down her eyes. Taehyung was right. Her father is a psychopath. "Oppa..", she mumbles in desperation.

"Don't hurt her Sooman. She is your own blood", Taehyung's eyes brimming with tears.

"We need to find them. We need to find them. We need to find them", Yoongi mumbles running in a direction with Taehyung right behind him. They had to search the whole warehouse. They had to do anything before Gahyeon could get hurt and just then. They hear it. The gunshot. And Taehyung's tears fall down his face. Not his sister.

Yoongi and Taehyung weren't the only one who hear the gunshot. Jungkook does too. He was about to step in a car with Namjoon and Shane and go home when he hears the loud gunshot coming from the warehouse.

"What-what was that?", he turns around to look at the warehouse at a distance. They were already at a safe distance from the warehouse.

"Probably the sound of Sooman dying", Namjoon deadpans.

"No. I have to go back", Jungkook mumbles as he tries to run back to the warehouse. Shane grabs his bicep right in time.

"Mr. Jeon. You will come with us. Mr. Kim will kill me if he sees you back there. Please." Shane tries to put some sense in his head.

"He could be in trouble", he says looking at Shane. "He could be injured", he looks at Namjoon, his eyes brimming with tears. What was he thinking? How did he even think he would be able to leave Tae behind? How could he?

"You are overthinking this Jungkook. The sound probably came from Taehyung's gun",Namjoon tries to reason.

"It didn't hyung. It wasn't his gun. His gun had a silencer."

"But-" Before Namjoon could reason anymore, Jungkook gets out of Shane's grip and runs towards the warehouse. Shane tries to grab him again but this time, there is another gunshot they hear and the very next second, Shane gets slammed against the car, Jungkook's hand on his throat.

"Tae will kill you if he sees me back in there and I will kill you if try to stop me one more time. You decide", Jungkook growls, his hand choking Shane as he tries to escape Jungkook's grip but fails.

Namjoon tries to stop Jungkook when he sees Shane choking with Jungkook's grip around his neck. The younger lets him go in a minute and gives him one last warning stare before he runs off to the warehouse.

"Are you okay?", Namjoon asks Shane as he watches him cough, red marks from Jungkook's fingers on his throat.

"I need to go after him. If he has to go back inside, he shouldn't be alone. Mr. Kim will skin me alive if he finds Mr. Jeon alone there", Shane says running after Jungkook.

"And my boyfriend will end me if I go back without his baby cousin", Namjoon mumbles to himself before going back inside as well, followed with all the men they had with them.

The second gunshot is heard by Taehyung as well. He could hear it in his phone and also from somewhere near him. And then the call disconnects. Taehyung mumbles to himself as tears roll down his eyes, "I am so sorry, Gah. I failed you. I am sorry..."

"Taehyung..", Yoongi says, his eyes wide, as he feels his heart pounding against his chest. "Hobi was with Gahyeon.."

Taehyung looks straight at Yoongi, his eyes wide in shock, "The second gunshot..."

To be continued...


I am sorry my heart aches 💔

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