Chapter 42: The good, the bad and the ugly

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"Well, they talk to each other. Try to get to know each other. Talk about families, dreams, aspirations", Jungkook responds to Taehyung asking him about what people usually do on first dates. The both of them spent the evening just sitting on the sand on a private beach admiring the beautiful sea waves.

"You want me to talk about my family. Don't you?", Taehyung smiles at the younger sitting next to me while he gently strokes his back.

"Only if you think I should know that", the younger responds.

"You deserve to know everything about me".

Jungkook smiles knowing that Taehyung finally wanted to open up to him but he also knew it will take time for him to slowly unfold his story. He is patient though, he has all the time in the world and with Taehyung. "What do you usually do on a first date?", he asks, changing the topic.

"I fuck people", Taehyung deadpans making the younger widen his eyes.

"That won't happen here", Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"It might", Taehyung chuckles.

"It won't".

"Fine", Taehyung huffs, visibly pissed.

"Koo, I don't do dates. I don't go out with people. I told you I like to keep my life private. I have never been on a proper date. This is literally a first for me and that is why I asked you what people do on a first date since I have no idea", Taehyung explains.

"So what is your idea of an ideal first date then?", the younger asks, relieved with the explanation.

"Come closer if you want to know", Taehyung pulls the younger by the elbow and makes him lay with his back on his chest, spooning him as the couple take in the chilly sea breeze.

"This", the older continues, "This is the ideal date", he smiles holding the younger in his arms.

"Yes", Jungkook smiles absorbing the warmth from the older's clothed chest.

The couple sit there on the beach like that for an hour straight in a complete silence full of comfort, bliss and love. No words. There is this serene peace between them. Taehyung hopes for the time to freeze so that he could live this moment on loop, forever. The sea breeze, the charming moon, the smell of the sea, the calm, the love of his life in his arms. This is it. This is what he has been craving his whole life. This is the peak. Taehyung's whole life flashes infront of him as he tries to find just one another moment when he was as fulfilled and happy as he is now. The only moment he can think of is a faded memory of him playing with his dad when he was four. They used to play on the sand near the Han river on the land that now Taehyung owns. Chilly wind courses through his raven hair as he holds Jungkook closer to his heart, thinking about how he does not want this moment to end. Ever.

He looks at the younger's blissful face. His eyes closed as he soaks himself in this moment with a faint smile on his face. "I am not asleep", he mumbles when he feels Taehyung staring at him.

"I know", the older chuckles.

"Hyung..", Jungkook opens his eyes to look at the older while gliding down to rest his head on his lap.


"Thank you. I love this".

"Looks like I got the first date right", Taehyung chuckles.

"You did. I have spent my whole life in Busan before I moved to Seoul. I never knew this city could be this beautiful".

"It's not the city baby. It's us", the older smiles moving his fingers through Jungkook's silky black hair while straddling him on his lap.

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