Chapter 72: Life Goes On

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It's been 10 months since Yoongi's death and since the time Taehyung recovered from the gunshot. Kim Mansion is lit up and ready for a party. It's Taehyung's birthday the next day.

"I hate that I can't surprise him on his birthday because we are literally preparing for this party for days now", Jungkook pouts.

"Surprise him in the bedroom then", Jimin says, chuckling as he earns a smack from Jungkook.

"Jimin, I don't feel right. I have no idea what to gift him. There is nothing that he doesn't have and I can afford. These rich people are gifting him luxury cars, someone gifted him lunar land. Can you believe it?"

"You are okay. Don't worry about these things. Taehyung doesn't give a single fuck about gifts."

"Oh he does!", Gahyeon stomps out of Taehyung and Jungkook's room. "I asked him to give me one of his cars since he has soooo many. He said no."

"Yeah because he doesn't want you to kill people on the road", Jungkook smiles.

"I have been drug free for six months. I deserve a gift!", she retorts.

"Your health is your gift!" Jimin scolds her.

"Yeah..whatever. what are you giving him?", she asks Jungkook and Jimin.

"I have no idea", Jungkook answers with a pout. "You tell me Gah, what should I gift your brother that doesn't cost as much as my life time's savings?"

"You are asking a broke person, big bro. Don't ask me", she chirps away and Jungkook sighs.

"You will figure it out. Let it be something that only you can give him. Make it special. It does not have to be pricey at all, you know?" Jimin explains the younger and he just nods.

Jimin walks away wanting to go to terrace when Maria stops him. "Where is Taehyung?"

"Gah just stomped out of his room so I am guessing there he is", Jimin replies, smiling and Maria leaves him alone to go and find Taehyung.

He takes a deep sigh once he finds himself all alone on the terrace. He likes to be alone at times since he lost Yoongi. People can be a little overwhelming. He looks at the night sky and the twinkling stars, a smile lurking on his face. "I went out on a date today with this guy. He was really nice. I wanted to tell you this to make you jealous and to let you know I am doing what you asked me to do. I am being happy and I am treating myself better." He tells the man he had once loved. The man who was now a star, the brightest one.

He remembers the morning after they made love for the last time. Jimin had woken up in his bed to not find Yoongi anywhere. He found a letter instead. He remembers his heart sinking as he read the letter.

"Hi baby,

Is it strange that I am calling you baby? Because I never do? But that's how you call your boyfriend right? I wanted to leave a letter for you just in case I am not there to tell you everything in person. Last night I was very close to catching my dad but he fled with some of his men. I wanted to follow him and I knew that would have been risky. Not that I was scared but I remembered the promise that I made to you. I had to come back and tell you what you mean to me and how much I love you. I had to touch you one last time, feel you one last time and make love to you one last time before I did something rash. Don't freak out okay? I am not telling you that I will not be back but there is a possibility and I didn't want to leave without telling you everything that I wanted to tell you.

Do you remember the first time we met? We met at the club. I was drunk and I was looking for someone to sleep with. We ended up sleeping together and I only found out in the next morning when I tried to pay you, that you weren't the man the hotel had arrange for me. I was so silly. Remember how you laughed at me when I realised how silly I have been? There. Your laugh, Jimin. That was the moment I fell for you. Even though I didn't know that yet.

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