Chapter 56: Marry Me Then

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"You know, sometimes I really do feel like crying is a hobby of yours", Taehyung flutters his eyes several times watching Jungkook sitting in their bed cross-legged, sniffling softly.

"Shut up", Jungkook spurts.

"And I really do feel like a babysitter sometimes."

"I said shut up hyung"

"Like I don't even understand what are you crying about now."

"I am just sad"


"Many reasons"

"Enlighten me"

"Every news channel is talking trash about you, disrespecting you, all because I couldn't keep my jealousy in check", the younger sniffles again.

"No because I announced our relationship to everyone"

"Because I was jealous and upset"

"Uh-huh!", Taehyung shakes his head, "because it was the right thing to do."

Jungkook starts sobbing again.

"Okay now what?"

"My mom"

"Oh dear!", Taehyung rolls his eyes not sure how to deal with this beautiful but emotional wreck in front of him.

"Imagine finding out about your child's not so straight relationship on news", he says wiping his tears.

"Good that she knows now"

"I had to switch off my phone because everyone was calling me. Friends, family, coworkers. EVERYONE!"

"Baby?", Taehyung coos.


"Can you stop crying please? It makes me feel like I did something wrong.."

"You didn't. I am also crying because I am overwhelmingly happy".

"You are?"

Jungkook nods.

"So you are crying because you are sad, tensed and also overwhelmingly happy???", Taehyung frowns in confusion.


"I want to break up!", the older exclaims, "I just realised I will never understand you!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes at Taehyung's goofiness.

"Shut up and come to bed", he says in a commanding tone.

Taehyung smiles and crawls in bed next to the younger, "that sounded like an order to me".

"Because it was", Jungkook deadpans, wiping more of his tears and getiing inside the blanket.

"Oof! Baby you know, this isn't the room where you would be the most powerful man", Taehyung chuckles earning a well deserved smack on the chest by Jungkook.

Taehyung pulls the younger closer to his heart and wraps his arms around him before snuggling into the warm blanket.

"Koo?", he mumbles.

"Mhmm", Jungkook responds getting cozy in Taehyung's embrace.

"I hurt you again today. Didn't I?"

"A little"

"I am sorry"

"I love you", Jungkook chuckles with his eyes closed.

"Not as much as I love you", Taehyung smiles.

"Wanna fight?", the younger raises his eyebrows.

"Okay shut up", Taehyung laughs out loud at the fun banter.

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