Chapter 16: The Kidnapping Pt. 2

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(Note: Incidents in this chapter happen simultaneously with those in the last chapter)

Jungkook leaves Taehyung's office after promising to visit his home in 2 hours for dinner and as soon as he does, Taehyung calls Jimin, "We will use it!", he says, surity in his voice.

"Are you sure? I gathered the evidence but if we release it publically, it will prove to be extremely detrimental to his reputation and his business and he will never let this go. He is just a business rival right now. This will make him an enemy. He might try to somehow harm you Tae. I don't think it's a good idea.", Jimin explains from the other side of the line.

"Let him!", Taehyung deadpans, "Let him try to harm me. I would like to see what he is capable of doing and I would also like to let him know what I am capable of doing. Release these proofs to the press anonymously and let Seoul know how he has been conducting his business so far. Let them know how he gets the deals, the kidnappings, the blackmails, the illegal deals, the black money. Once all this is out in the public, the goverment won't associate itself from him and cancel the deal."

"And the deal will automatically fall in our lap", Jimin's smile audible in his voice.

"Yes", Taehyung smirks, "Release these as soon as possible. I will be home watching him get ruined on the news. I need to prepare for tonight", he says picking up his coat from his chair, ready to leave.

"What's tonight?", Jimin raises his eyebrows, shifting the phone to the other hand.

"Date", Taehyung smiles walking out of the office.

"With?", Jimin furrows his eyebrows, "I swear if you are seeing Kevin again-"

"I am not, Jimin. We made up today and I invited him over. There is so much I need to tell him", Taehyung says while entering the elevator and as soon as he does, the memory they made in there revives in his mind and makes him smile.

"You made up?", Jimin sounds confused before it strikes him what his friend means "YOU HAVE A DATE WITH JUNGKOOK?!", he yells, bouncing in his chair, excited.

"Yes", Taehyung smiles as he walks out to the parking lot.

Jimin's smiles suddenly vanishes as something strikes him again, "Tae", his voice soft and full of concern, "What if he tries to take revenge after we release these proofs? We know how he does things."

Jimin's words makes him chuckle, "Are you suggesting he'll try to kidnap me too?", Taehyung bursts out laughing, "You think he is could be that brave even in his wildest dreams?"

"No. Of course not but he could harm your loved ones?", Jimin sounds worried.

"Loved ones? Who are you talking about? My parents? My siblings? Sure", he chuckles as he unlocks his car and opens the door to enter but freezes as Jimin goes, "What about Jungkook?"

"Jungkook? Only a couple of people know about us and none of them have anything to do with Min Corp. Also, they are all my employees. They have signed a contract to not talk about anything they see or hear inside the walls of this building. None of them would dare to talk to Min Corp. about my boyfriend. They know what will happen to them if they do.", he says as his eyes get dark before he gets himself seated in the back of his black Mercedez and signals the driver to take him home.

"Release it Jimin. Now", he says before disconnecting the call and Jimin does. He releases everything in that file to the public, using his connections in a major media house and by the time Taehyung reaches home and switches on his television, it is all over the news.

Taehyung lossens his tie and sits on the sofa in his hall, watching the news and calls for Maria, "Maria, can you cook something nice for dinner? I have invited someone over and make sure there is some wine ready on the dinner table please?"

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