Chapter 48: Revenge

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Maria stops infront of Taekook's room when she hears the younger boy sobbing out loud. She hesitantly steps inside. "Jungkook, are you okay? Are you hurting? You want me to call a doctor?"

It had been a week since that tragic night when Jungkook was tortured by Taehyung. He is now able to sit up for some time in a row and walk a few steps here and there with support before the pain creeps back and he needs to lay down on the bed again.

"Maria..", he wipes his tears.

"Son, tell me. Are you hurting again? Are your wounds bleeding?"

"Maria, why won't he come see me? What have I done so bad to deserve this?", he places his head on her lap and cries his heart out. The last time he cried was when Taehyung was hurting him. He has been gone ever since. Jungkook had kept faith that he will come around soon but no. Neither did he contact the younger nor is he receiving his calls.
For Taehyung, the torture he did was over that night but for Jungkook, the torture continued.
The pain, the wait, the agony, the feeling of being unwanted. He died every single day when Taehyung didn't show up.

One week worth of wait got Jungkook to rock bottom and he lost it. His typical day after that night would start with waking up to breakfast, fresh juice, medicines, warm water and Jungkook's favourite dessert already kept on his bedside table. He was grateful for Maria for taking such good care of him. The rest of the day would just waste away trying to work from home but failing miserably and waiting for a certain boyfriend who would never show up.

"You have not done anything to deserve this Jungkook", Maria caresses his head lovingly.

"Then why won't he see me? Does he really hate me that much?", he sniffles.

"Does he really deserve your tears?", she asks with a straight face.

"I don't know about that but I am terrified. I want to see him just once. I just want to know if he is okay."

"He is."

"How do you know?"

Maria ignores his question. "Take rest Jungkook, don't worry about all of this".

"You have seen him. Haven't you?"

"I haven't"

"Then how do you know he is okay?"

"I don't know how else should I pacify a love sick puppy like you"

Jungkook sighs at her response.


"Revenge?", Young-jae asks the man who got him out, "How?"

"Your men, my plan", the man smiles.

"You have my attention".

"Just get me his boyfriend. He will follow", a devilish smiles creeps on the man's face.

"How will I get his boyfriend? I don't have a lot of men left and it's difficult to have him kidnapped. He is strong, that computer geek boyfriend of his."

"No wonder you were rotting in a prison. You have no brains! There are more ways of luring a person. Think! Get his boyfriend. Taehyung will follow. I have heard he loves him a lot. I will take Taehyung.  You can have Min Corp back".

"Sounds good! But what do you have against him? Who are you?"

The man smiles again, "Oh, me? I am his father."

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