Chapter 22: The Betrayal

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It's been more than a week since Jungkook was rescused from that dungeon. He has healed enough to resume office. The scars on his face are all gone so he thought it would be safe to come back now. While he was on a 'sick leave', he returned Baekhyun's calls and told him the exact same story that Taehyung told Jin. Jungkook was now fine and he got back with Taehyung is all Baekhie needed to know.

"Did you find out that Mr. Kim fired Miss. Ahn?", Baekhyun asks, just wanting to gossip a little. He missed spilling tea with Jungkook.

"Yeah, I heard. I have a lot of pending work to do Baekhie. I don't have time for gossip", Jungkook says casually, typing away on his computer.

"Dude you are the boyfriend of our CEO. You could chill all day and not get in trouble", Baekhyun chirps making Jungkook scoff in disgust, "yeah sure", his voice full of sarcasm. He dismisses Baekhyun, still focusing on his work when he sees Jimin walking towards him. "Hey, Kook!", he waves before noticing Baekhyun looking at him, "I mean Mr. Jeon. How are you?", he smiles.

"It's okay hyung, Baekhie knows", Jungkook smiles at Jimin.

"Oh, okay! Where is your boyfriend? He isn't in his office and he isn't receiving my calls", Jimin says rolling his eyes.

"I don't know where he is but I can call him?", Jungkook says in his usual polite manner before he picks his phone to call Tahyung.

"It's not like he's gonna pick up but please try. I have called him 9 times alr-"

"Yeah babe", Taehyung's casual voice comes from the other side of the line, speaker on. "You moron, I have been calling you since the morning and you didn't receive my calls and here you are 'yeah babe-ing' your boyfriend", Jimin yells at the phone taking it from Jungkook.

"Oh, it's you! I was busy Jimin! What is it?", Taehyung deadpans.

"And now you aren't busy?"

"Still am!", he says matter of factly.

"But you picked up Jungkook's first call and not even my 9th?"

"Stop whining Jimin and start talking. You know what? Come to the board room, I am here. Give his phone back". Jimin gives the phone back to Jungkook and he switches the speaker off, "Yes hyung?"

"Come to my office in 2 hours. I will be done with the legal work with Jimin by then"

"Okay..but why?"

"Is questioning your CEO when he asks you to do something the new norm around here?", Taehyung taunts the younger.

" course not. I'll be there Sir", Jungkook taunts him back.

"Did you just call me sir agai-", Jungkook disconnects the call before Taehyung could say any further.

"I'll see you later. I need to talk to that idiot first", Jimin smiles before running away to the elevator.


"Care to tell me what your plan is?", Jimin enters his office sounding and looking annoyed. "What plan?", Taehyung deadpans, eyes glued to a piece of paper.

"You decided that you wanted to buy 52% stocks of Min Corp but before we could, they went private. It has been a week since then. Care to tell me what's up?", Jimin asks annoyed.

"Nothing's up Jimin"

"Well your plan flopped big time and you are telling me nothing is up?"

"My plan flopped?", Taehyung chuckles.

"It didn't?"

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