Chapter 73: Happily Ever After

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I didn't have one. Not before I met him. The love of my life. Waking up next to him every single morning and holding him in my arms every single night, this is what I live for. I woke up on my birthday to find my baby sleeping soundly in my arms. I watch him closely. The same serene face I fell in love with the first time I saw him sleeping in that hospital bed. The same pout that I will never get tired of kissing. The same baby skin that I will never stop touching. He is family. He is my home. He is the person who gave a lonely man, a family. He is the man who brought life to an otherwise dull mansion. I watch him sleeping in my arms as my heart goes soft because of him for a bazillionth time.

I don't realise when my lips find home on his face and I found myself peppering his face with kisses. My love.

"Let me sleep", he whined.

"Wake up, it's my birthday!"

"Happy birthday. Let me sleep."

"Are you tired?", I pressed a kiss on his forehead.

"You didn't let me sleep the whole night", he mumbled, his eyes still shut tight. That's right. I didn't. I couldn't.

"Are you sore? I guess I got a little carried away."

"A LITTLE??! YOU ALMOST BROKE MY HIP LAST NIGHT!", he yelled, shooting his eyes open. Cute.

"Looks like you are finally up", I chuckled. God! He is cute. So cute and only so for me. "Let me make you a hot water bath. Get up, you will feel better."

"Sorry, I yelled at you on your birthday" His signature pout on his face.

"I deserved it", I couldn't help but kiss his adorable pout. "But in my defence, you didn't ask me to stop at all", I said as I pulled away. I looked at his beautiful skin peppered with marks I gave him last night. It's like he is my canvas and I am the artist.

After showing a little more resistance, Jungkook finally got out of the bed as I made him a hot bath. We were going to work on his business proposal later this morning before the family lunch.

Family lunch. This reminded me that not all my family was here yet. Heeseung is still missing. Ever since he got into KIST (thanks to Jungkook), he wants to spend all his time with his new friends. I planned on giving Hee an earful to get him home as I went to see Gahyeon.

"You are offering me a job?", she said, shocked.

"That's correct"

"As your new PA?"


"Yeonjun was also your PA."

"He was. He was replaced 10 months ago by a lady. You will replace her"

"But I don't have a degree."

"I am the CEO of the company and even I don't have one Gah. I ran away when I was 17. Didn't I? I learnt life from a mafia, not college. Business is life. A degree won't teach you business. So take the job. Watch me and learn. When I feel you are ready, I will give you more responsibilities."

"What if I mess up?"

"Then you will face consequences like all my employees do. No special perks because you are my sister. Okay?", I told her sternly, just in case she was having funny ideas like she always does. To my surprise, she ran into me for a hug, tears in her eyes.

"Thank you", she mumbled.

I pulled away and held her face in my hands. "You are my baby sister. You don't need to thank me for the bare minimum okay?"

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