BONUS 1: Wedding Bells

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When I first realised I liked men, I didn't think I would ever find love in this country let alone get married. I was getting married in two days. The venue, the cake, the decor, the guest list was all taken care of by Gahyeon. Who knew the girl would be so good at wedding planning?

I was getting cold feet. Not because I was second guessing my decision to marry Tae but because it was a big transition for me. From being his boyfriend to being his husband, it was going to be different. So different and so beautiful! I couldn't help but think how it would feel to call him husband. Does the relationship change after the wedding?

"Did you try your tuxedo?", Maria barged into my room.



"Okay..I will..try it out", I chuckled.

I try out the tux and it fit perfectly fine. Dark gray colored tailor made jacket with matching grey trousers and white shirt and black leather shoes. I looked handsome. Tae would like this. When I was getting undressed, I heard a knock at the door.

"Baby! Open the door!", Tae yelled dramatically. My silly man.

I opened the door after I changed out of my tux.

"Maria said you were trying your tux. I wanted to see so I came running. Where is the tux?", he asked.

"I changed out of it."

"What?! Why?"

"It's bad luck to see your would-be spouse in their wedding attire", I said, smiling. Would-be spouse sounded so good. I wrap my arms around his neck slowly and press a kiss on his cheek. "You are going to see me in that tux in 2 days. Be patient okay?"

"That's what you said when you didn't let me make love to you last week", he rolled his eyes as he pulled me closer. It's been almost 2 years since we met and the butterflies I feel when he pulls me closer haven't gone anywhere and they never will. I know for a fact that my man will always have the same effect on me. The same butterflies, the same hypnotic charm.

"That's because I want to make our wedding night special. It won't be special if you don't wait for a while", I pout. Pouting works better than reasoning in his case.

"Who waits for a whole week?! You won't even let me kiss you!", he exclaimed.

"That's because I want to make our wedding kiss special", I smiled.

"Every kiss with you is special Koo", this was his turn to pout.

I press a kiss on his cheek again before I whisper in his ear, "but not every kiss is a wedding kiss baby."

I saw him blushing. This was a rare spectacle. I felt proud thinking I made him blush for a change.

"You should call me baby more often", he smiled at me. "I am going to be your husband now. Stop calling me hyung", he chuckled.

"I will call you husband instead", I whispered again. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife but I was going to wait.

"I like the sound of it" One more minute in his arms and in this conversation and he would have thrown me onto the bed like a wolf that was starving so I slipped out of his arms.

"Baby..", he pulled me back. "Please let me", he whispers as his palms find their way from my waist to my ass.

"I want to but I want to wait as well."

"I have been waiting for a week. This is too much", he pouts again. He looked like he would cry if I don't let him make love with me.

"Tae...", I cooed at my man. "We can never be legally married here in this country. No matter how big the ceremony. If we can't be legally married, I want us to be atleast traditionally married. I want to follow every custom there is. This is just for me. I just want it to feel real and not a gimick. Let's do everything a couple does before and during a wedding? For me?"

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