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Most love stories end with marriage but what happens after the wedding? What happens when the love has to stand the test of time?

10 years of domestic bliss and two children later, Taehyung and Jungkook find their marriage slowly losing its sheen. Now it's for them to find out if their love is strong enough to keep their family together or they are going to watch their dream of a life shatter in front of their very eyes.


SURPRISE!!! Someone guessed it right. There is a sequel. I woke up one day with a story line in mind and I thought why write a fresh one when this one can be continued into the storyline I had thought of?

This book will only start if you guys want it to. It will totally depend on the reception of this Surprise. This book is going to be domestic and set in the year 2032. So tell me what you think about this? Do you want to read a story where Taekook are in their late 30s and have children? Or is it too far-fetched? What should I call this book? 🧘🏻‍♀️

Please tell me what you think?

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