Chapter 33: New Man

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After crying himself to sleep, Jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night hearing an impatient knock on his apartment door. He looks at the wall clock. 3:30 am. Who would knock his door at this hour?

Cautiously, he steps out of his room and into his hallway. "Who is it?", he asks. No answer.

"I asked who is it?", Jungkook yells with the door still closed.

"It's me", says a man with deep but disturbed voice.

Jungkook's brain doesn't even gets a second to think it through when his hands opens the door wide open letting Taehyung in.

"I..I didn't think you would open the door after learning it's me", Taehyung says with a stutter.

Jungkook doesn't say anything. He has words sitting on his tongue waiting to let go but he won't.
His heart threatens to explode while his feet freeze at the spot. Taehyung is drunk and he is here at this hour.


"I SAW YOU WITH HER", Taehyung cuts him off pushing him and pinning him to the wall.

"Wha-", Jungkook tries to talk but his throat, with the rest of his body, has long betrayed him.

"I saw you touching her. I saw you letting her touch you.", the older pins him to the wall and hisses with what sounds like pain and anger, his eyes bloodshot.

"I saw you kissing her the way I used to kiss you", he continues, tears of anguish rolling down his face, breaking Jungkook's already broken heart.

"I saw you hold her. I saw you love her. YOU CANNOT LOVE HER!", the older yells at the top of his lungs sending shivers down the younger's body who stands clenched in his grip not even trying to move or talk or revolt.

"You understand baby?"he holds the younger's face in his palms, "YOU. CANNOT. LOVE. HER. OR. ANYONE!! NO ONE BUT ME!", he yells again pursing his lips to the younger's and kissing him like he has waited a lifetime to kiss him. He lets his hands move all over the younger's body and under his tshirt while the younger stands there in complete surrender. He doesn't revolt, he doesn't stop him, he doesn't even try.

"Tell me, you love her?", Taehyung hisses pulling away from the kiss, both gasping for air. "You love her?", he repeats himself and Jungkook nods in a yes.

"Then why don't you stop me?", he goes on to kiss and lick the younger's neck making him gasp, "All you have to do is say 'No' and I will stop", he whispers in his ear.

Jungkook doesn't say no or yes or anything. His brain shuts off and body surrenders. Before he knows it, he finds himself in his bed, naked, and pinned under Taehyung's body while he kisses every inch of the younger's bare chest with lips, and tongue and teeth leaving marks.

Jungkook grabs the older's shoulders not being able to handle the sensations his body was being subjected to but the older pins his wrists to the bed. "I still don't hear a 'no'. If you don't love me anymore, tell me to stop. If you love her, don't cheat on her", Taehyung whispers in the younger's left ear before planting a kiss on it making a loud moan escape the younger's mouth.

"Oh, I remember how sensitive you are around your ears", he comments, "are you really going to go all silent on me, babe? Not even a single coherent word since I came in", he asks the younger while catching his breath. Jungkook looks deep into the older's eyes and doesn't say a word.

Taehyung burries his face in the nook of the younger's neck filling his senses with his smell. He then adorns the side of his neck with his lips and licks making Jungkook lose last bit of his sanity as he throws his head back in pleasure. "Spread your legs for hyung?", Taehyung's voice calm and comforting. Jungkook obliges without a second's thought waiting for the older to take him.

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