Happy Anniversary to My Love

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My readers could wonder what anniversary it is. You can ignore this chapter. It's not for you but read on if you wish :)

I started dating an amazing man one year ago. He was a dream come true. A man who became a catalyst to my healing journey. He sucked all the angst out of me (maybe that is responsible for my inconsistent angst writing?)

I had told him I write fanfic on Wattpad but I never showed him what I wrote. The reason is obvious- I thought you would judge me for what I wrote. Having said that, I am with you for a year now and I know a little smutty gay fanfic can't throw you off.

You have always understood my love for k-pop and BTS and supported me with the same. I won't ever forget the day when you remembered all their 7 names without me asking you to do so. Or when you watched BTS concerts with me. I can't wait to go to a real concert with you soon.

On our first anniversary, I give you my 100% trust and I will share this book with you on our anniversary date. I love you. I trust you. Read this at your own pace or don't read it at all. That's for you to decide but I have given this to you to show you that you have all my trust and all my love.

Happy one year, my love.

Yours truly,
You know my name, the wattpad world doesn't need to :3

Yours truly,You know my name, the wattpad world doesn't need to :3

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PS: Here's a photo of my love. Just wanted to give him a shout out ♡

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