Chapter 57: Not Yet

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"Jungkook? Breakfast?", Maria smiles at Jungkook in the morning and he nods in response before coming over to the dining table.

Jimin, who is already sitting right across the table chirps, "Morning Jeon!"


"Did you sleep well?", Jimin asks with a sinister smile on his face that does not get unnoticed by Jungkook.

"Yes, I did. Thank you", he deadpans.

"Ah! Good for you because I couldn't. Some people made a LOT of noise last night", Jimin tries hard to contain his laughter.

"Jimin?", Maria raises her eyebrows.

"What? They can ruin everyone's sleep and I can't even pull his leg?", Jimin laughs.

"Jungkook, eat up", Maria ignores Jimin and serves Jungkook his breakup.

"Thanks Maria", the younger smiles before he turns to Jimin, "You know Jimin, if you have trouble sleeping at night, I can send you an audio that I recorded sometime last year. It's an audio of some people being loud. Just other people. That should help you sleep", he smirks.

The smile on Jimin's face vanishes instantly leaving a pale face behind, " still have that???"

"Uh-huh", Jungkook says biting an apple.

"Delete it!", Jimin exclaims.

"Nice try Jimin", the younger smiles curtly before Maria comes back from the kitchen and asks where Taehyung was.

"Still sleeping", the younger responds.

"He never sleeps in this late. Is he alright?", Maria asks, concerned.

"Yes, he is alright",  Jungkook answers.

"He must be tired. Man did a lot of hard work last night", Jimin chuckles.

"You know what! I should put the audio on speaker for everyone to listen", Jungkook rolls his eyes in frustation.

"No! Don't. Sorry. I will stop talking"

"I should go wake him up", Maria mumbles and immediately sends Jungkook into a panic.

"NO!", he yells. "DON'T. Don't wake him up. Let him sleep!"

Jimin and Maria are startled by his extreme reaction.

"Is he sleeping naked?", Jimin laughs out loud.

"No, he isn't. Just let him sleep", the younger answers.

Jungkook has been worrying about what happens when Taehyung wakes up. Despite being extremely tired, Jungkook did not get any sleep last night. Taehyung was already asleep when he mumbled a random proposal to Jungkook leaving the poor boy shocked. Did he mean it? Will he even remember it in the morning? He was practically sleep talking. Do people remember what they mumble in their sleep? What if he does remember? What was Jungkook going to say to him? Does he want to marry him yet? Isn't it too soon? He is only 24 and has to figure out his life. Will Taehyung be offended if he says no? Does he want to say no? Jungkook isn't sure how and what to answer to the question Taehyung asked him last night. He has been dreading the time when Taehyung wakes up and he has to face him. What will he say? How will he react? Will he acknowledge the proposal at all? Was it even a proposal? Thousands of questions swamped Jungkook's brain making him stay up all night while Taehyung slept in oblivion.

"He..he is just tired. Let him sleep", Jungkook added.

"Anyway, do you know you became a celebrity?", Jimin asks Jungkook. "You are literally on every news channel! Meet Jeon Jungkook, boyfriend of Kim Taehyung, topper of KIST, tech genius. Feels like I know everything about you. You graduated from college in 2018!"

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