Chapter 37: The Pending Apology

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Flashback (chapter 35: Connection of Contradictions)

The driver pulls up outside an open air restaurant and Lisa looks out the window to find Jungkook, "Oh there he is! He must be waiting for me for so long now!",she exclaims. That's when Taehyung turns his head and looks towards Lisa and her side of the window to see him.

The car is parked at a distance so Jungkook cannot see them but he is very much visible to the both of them. "Mr. Kim, thank you for the ride. I'll take your leave now", Lisa says and steps out of the car while Taehyung simply nods as his eyes are stuck outside the window staring at her boyfriend. Time stops for him it seems and there is a sudden urge to get out of the car and grab Jungkook by the waist before kissing him infront of everyone. It doesn't take him more than a second to realise that he is seeing Jungkook for the first time after that unfortunate and unforgiving night. The last memory he has of Jungkook is that of being pinned under him crying ugly tears asking Taehyung if he would really force himself upon him.

Taehyung's urge to go out and hold him changes into a shameful realisation that someone like him doesn't deserve Jungkook after everything he did to him. He watches Jungkook hold Lisa in his arms and kiss her lips. Taehyung immediately turns his face to the other side and raises the window glass.
"Drive!", he yells at the driver.

(End of flashback)

Jungkook sits in a bar sipping his whiskey on the rocks, thinking deep. "Repeat!", he tells the bartender. Recent happenings in his life has forced him to take a day off on a Tuesday morning, get a few drinks and just think. Think about life and about him and about everything in general. He honestly doesn't know what he wants to think about today but he knows he doesn't want to deal with people at least.
His phone rings, "yes", he answers nonchalantly.

"Hey buddy! I know you took a leave today but I just want to ask about those mulesoft code-", Yugyeom is interrupted when Jungkook decides to cut him off. "I am busy Yug. There is a reason I took the day off. I can't deal with work today. I am sorry", Jungkook says before disconnecting the call and switching the phone off. "I asked you to repeat the drink", he says to the bartender politely.

His date with Lisa did something to his brain and he hasn't been able to think straight ever since, even though it has been two days already. He remembers how Lisa came running towards him after being late and hugged him ever so gently before apologising for being late.

"Oh, you won't believe who dropped me here after my car broke down!", she exclaimed clearly excited.

"Who? Baekhie?", Jungkook guessed.


"Then who?"

"Mr. Kim!"

Jungkook's chopsticks dropped to the ground at the mention of Mr. Kim. "Oh God! I am so clumsy!", he exclaimed, gesturing the waiter to bring another pair of chopsticks while he tried to not react to what he heard while his heart tried hard to not explode from anxiety.

"Yes, you were saying?", he continued.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung dropped me here in his car", she whispered making sure the public around them doesn't hear his name or it would have ended up being tabloid news the next morning.

Jungkook's eyes were fixated on the table when he managed to say, "oh really?", feigning a tone of surprise.

"Yeah! And you know what? I used to think he is cold and rude. I mean I still do. He barely spoke a word to me and even kept looking outside the other window. But I think, he is a nice man. He helped me a lot today", she smiled, "I wouldn't say he is rude but he is definitely still cold. He didn't even look at me until we reached here".

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