Chapter 32: Breaking heart or Breaking Trust

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Lisa wakes up in Jungkook's bed the next morning with the brightest smile on her face and looks around to find him. She follows the noise coming from the kitchen after sliding into one of his shirts.

She finds Jungkook standing by the kitchen counter. Her cheeks begin to heat up as she remembers last night. It was like a fairytale. She already knows she is in love. She holds him from behind, burying her face in his large back.

"Good morning", he smiles, "slept well?"

"Mhmm", she nods refusing to let him go.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Good", she answers still clinging to his back while he holds her hand warmly.

"I meant.."

"Sore", her voice timid.

He turns around to face her, "Take the day off and rest, I will make you a nice bath. You will feel better", he gently puts his arms around her tiny waist and pulls her closer and she nods.


She nods again.

"Why are you so quiet, Lisa?", he smiles.

"Oh! No, nothing"

"And why is your face red?", he whispers, teasing her.

"No, it's's nothing. Don't tease me Jungkook!", she hits his chest hard making him chuckle a little.

"Okay stop, what do you want for breakfast? I am ordering", he turns around to find his phone on the counter.

"Ordering? I thought you'd make me breakfast like a sweet boyfriend", she teases making him freeze on the spot.

Silence. There is nothing but silence between the two. Is he her boyfriend now? Jungkook sure did intend to love her last night. He intended to love someone who is right for him but today, it seems a little too real. She is right beside him, telling him who she thinks he is to her. Being someone's boyfriend means to love them and ONLY them with all your heart. Is he ready to do that just yet? Does he love her? Yes. There is nothing to not love. She is any man's dream. Does he love only her? No.
Does he love her more than he loves Taehyung? That's a question he does not want to answer. Can he EVER love her or anyone more than he loves Taehyung? Now, that's a question his mind was too scared to ask. Is he ready to hurt her? No. He cannot. Maybe loving her will remove the last traces of Taehyung from his mind and body and he will be able to love her just as he loved him if not more. His brain suddenly decides to play tricks on him. He can suddenly smell him. Taehyung. His scent. It sends his body into a frenzy. How can he smell him? And why?

"I am sorry, it is too soon to call you my boyfriend?", Lisa interupts his train of thoughts looking embarrassed and that's when he truly looks at her and the shirt she has on. His shirt. It takes him back to the morning when Taehyung slipped into one of Jungkook's tshirts instead of his shirt after they made love.

"Where did you get this shirt from?"

"Um..your closet? My clothes were soiled so there a problem?"

", not at all", he smiles nervously, "I will order you some breakfast".

Lisa looks at him weird and decides to leave him alone for a while, "I'll go take a shower", she turns around to leave, looking visibly mad.

"Hey, hey", he grabs her wrist and pulls her closer, "I am sorry that your boyfriend isn't the best cook but I made you coffee..", he smiles fondly.

All her frustration vanishes into thin air, "boyfriend?", she asks, her heart beating fast.

"Boyfriend", he smiles before leaning in for a kiss.

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