Chapter 4: The Talk

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"First, you come home so fucking late and then, you are just sitting here infront of me not talking, lost. Again.", Jin yells at Jungkook who is busy zoning out.

"I am talking hyung.", Jungkook says in a sad tone.

"Are you? Well, I am listening. Talk"

"Kim Taehyung.",he takes a deep breath before continuing, "He is the CEO of the company I work at.", Jungkook deadpans, just wanting to let everything out now.

"Kim Taehyung? The guy I went on a date with last month?", Jin was beyond shocked. He knew Taehyung was some big-shot CEO of a company but he never thought he would be the CEO of KC, one of the biggest companies in South Korea.

"I found out one week after my joining the company when I stormed into his office to ask him why he saved me from getting fired when I messed up at work. He fired his PA infront of me because he called me his boytoy. I wanted to get out of his office that very instant but..but I couldn't", Jungkook sighs looking at his lap while sitting next to Jin.

"What do you mean you couldn't?"

"I don't know hyung. Something happened, I just couldn't move. We had a moment. He kissed me. I didn't even bother to stop him. I don't w-"

"You didn't stop him? Do the both you like each other or something? If that's the case, I approve. He seems like a nice guy.", Jin says as casually as he could. He isn't lying though. He really does like Taehyung a lot, just not romantically. It would be great if his cousin wanted to date him.

"Approve?", Jungkook was shocked.

"Yes, if the two of you like each other, I don't see a reason to not approve this relationship", says Jin shrugging his shoulders.

"There IS no relationship to approve hyung. It was just a moment and I was trying my best to get over it and not face him until..", Jungkook doesn't know if he should tell his hyung what happened earlier today.

"Until what? Talk to me Kookie."

"Until today. My boss asked me to wait after office. She wanted to do a run tbrough of the codes I sent her yesterday. I was waiting for her in her office when Taehyung hyung stormed in. He wanted to know why I have been ignoring him.", Jungkook still looking down at his lap.

"And what did you tell him?"



"I didn't know what to tell him. And also...", Jungkook wanted to dig himself a grave and lower himself down this very instant to save him the embarrassment but it was too late.

"Also what?", Jin asks impatiently.

"I don't know hyung. I have lost my mind. When he is around me, I can't think straight. It's like I have been hypnotised. There is no logic. I wanted to give him an answer and get going but I didn't have any control over myself and I.."

"And you what?"

Jungkook takes a deep breath before speaking again. "And I threw myself on him. I initiated the kiss and he went along with it. We were practically making out when you called and thank God you did."

"I- WHAT?", Jin suddenly stands up. "You are telling me you would have ended up sleeping with him if I hadn't called. Is that right?"

"Yes.", Jungkook deadpans. It's not like he can save himself from the embarrassment anymore so he decides to embrace it.

"Argh. I don't know what I should be worried about more. The fact that I interupted you and your man tonight or the fact that my apparently shy cousin was ready to sleep with an absolute stranger." Jin says in a soft voice, sitting himself down beside Jungkook. "Kookie, you told me what happened. Now tell me what you think about the whole situation and what you feel about him."

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