Chapter 68: For The Family

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"Only stupid animals come back to the predator". One of Youngjae's men smirks at Jungkook. He had run back in and he was alone.

Jungkook didn't have a gun. He never liked the idea of carrying one. The first time he found a gun in their bedroom, he was shocked. Taehyung had to explain Jungkook for hours about how it was important for him to carry one. Taehyung had to convince him for another 3 days to agree on letting Taehyung teach him how to use one.

Jungkook looked around to find something, anything that could be used as weapon but then he realises they wanted him alive. He raised his hands up in surrender.

Youngjae's men lower their guards seeing the man surrender in front of him and that's when he strikes them. Jungkook punched one of them in the face, a cracking sound echoing in the warehouse. The nose was broken and the man was bleeding and before he realised, he was disarmed. Jungkook had a gun in his hands now. One man down, three more to go.

"You have no chance in front of three armed men. Come with us and you might live."

"There is one wire in every electric meter if that one breaks, it cuts power for the whole circuit", Jungkook mumbles, his eyes stuck on the men who make a confused face. "What does that mean?!", they all chorus.

"It means you should have gone to school". Jungkook raises his hands up high and shoots at an open electric meter and just like that, the warehouse was in darkness.

"What the fuck? Where did he go? Fuck!", One of the men whips his phone out to turn on the flash light only to not find where he was supposed to be.


Taehyung and Yoongi are followed by some of men when they raid the whole warehouse, trying to find Sooman and Youngjae. Taehyung knows it's hopeless but somewhere in the bottom of his heart, he prayed for Gahyeon to be alive. What if she was shot? Alive but injured? And she needed help? He stops running when the lights suddenly turn off.

"Which motherfucker did this?!", Yoongi yells.

Taehyung points his gun in front of him and Yoongi does the same, both the men standing with their back against each other as they stare in the darkness. Their men make a safety circle around the both of them, ready to shoot anyone who might attack them out from the dark. Everyone whip out their phones to turn on the flashlight and that's when Yoongi sees a shadow of someone walking towards them.

"Who are you?!", Yoongi almost grunts in the direction of the shadow before he notices it's not one but several shadows. Everyone instantly turn towards what seems like was a bunch of people walking their way.

"TALK OR DIE", Taehyung walks right in front of Yoongi and the other men ready to shoot the intruders when he hears Namjoon's voice. "It's us, Taehyung."

"What the hell?!", Taehyung yells, lowering his gun when Namjoon and Shane walk out with their other armed men.

"Why are you here?", Taehyung glares at Shane, "And where is he?" And everyone instantly knows he was asking about Jungkook.

"What? Did he not find you?", Namjoon asks, shock and fear clearly visible on his face even in the dimmed lights of the flashes.

"What are you even talking about?", Yoongi asks them, confusion all over his face.

"Jungkook ran back to you. To the warehouse. After he heard those gunshots. He was worried about you", Namjoon simply informs.

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