Chapter 34: Ghosts of the Past

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Jungkook speed walks into Solar's office looking mad. "I am so sorry to disturb you ma'am but this is urgent".

"You are from Kim Consolidated. Aren't you?", Solar asks him with a poker straight face.

"I am"

"Was it okay there for you to barge into your CEO's office anytime you feel like it?", she stares down at him.

He doesn't respond. Mostly because he knew it was a rhetorical question not to be answered and also because it was indeed okay for atleast him if not the other emoployees to barge into the CEO's office whenever he liked.

"I told you I had personal reasons to leave Kim Consolidated", he finally speaks.

"You did"

"Then why am I being put in a team which has Kim Consolidated as its client?", he tries hard to not sound as furious as he feels.

"Are you questioning me, Mr. Jeon?", Solar stands up from her chair, "You recently did the single most stupid thing that you could have done in your life by resigning from KC and now you are trying to get fired from Solar Inc.?"

"You don't understand Ms. Keem. I cannot work in this team. I cannot work for KC anymore. Please you have to und-", he tries to make her understand when she interupts him, getting agitated.

"No. You have to understand Mr. Jeon. I will not be questioned for my decisions in my own company by an employee who joined last week. You are in that team because you are needed in that team. They have outsourced the designing of a mulesoft tech based software to our company and you being a man well-versed at mulesoft technology and having an experience with KC, are a perfect fit for the team. Moreover, it's a remote job. You will most likely never need to go to KC."

Jungkook looks at her in awe. He has never seen a CEO taking the time to actually explain to an employee the reasons behind her decisions.

"Any more questions?"

" No ma'am. No questions. I am sorry for-"

"Yes, you may leave", she says nonchalantly, sitting down on her chair and resuming her work.

He walks back to his cubicle on the 7th floor and sighs at the idea of working for KC while not working for KC. He checks his mail to find the details of the project and meets with another shock, "Kim Yugyeom? Team leader? FUCK!"

"Why fuck?", Jungkook turns around to familiar voice, "you don't like that I am your team leader?", Yugyeom smiles at Jungkook.

"Oh, oh hey! No. I don't mind obviously. I was just kinda surprised. That's all", Jungkook fakes a smile.

"Right. I understand it would be weird working in the same team as your ex, especially when your ex is your team leader but if we become friends, it won't be that awkward. Right?", he giggles a little.

"Right", Jungkook forces a smile while internally cursing his fate for putting him in this situation. Working with an ex and for another ex. Life could not have been any better, he thinks.

"You wanna grab some drinks tonight? Let's catch up"

"I would love to but I have to go see my girlfriend", Jungkook tries hard to be polite.

"You have a girlfriend now?", Yugyeom almost yells out of shock.


"I didn't know you were also into women".

"Now you know", Jungkook smiles before grabbing his stuff and heading out to leave, leaving a flabbergasted Yugyeom behind.


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