Chapter 11: Memories and Misconceptions

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Taehyung is driving home, thinking about everything Jimin said to him just a couple of hours ago. He is experiencing a strange mix of emotions at the moment. He is mad at Jimin for saying what he did. He is restless. He pulls down the windows and lets some cool air caress his face and his raven hair. Maybe this will help. Nope, it doesn't. He is suddenly anxious. He doesn't know what to do. He stops at a red signal and somehow finds himself breathless. He cannot breathe. He throws his head back and tries to calm his nerves down.Nothing.
He calls Jimin.

"Hello? Taehyung?", Jimin says receiving the call within a second.

"Jim- Jimin. It''s happening again.", Taehyung manages to speak as his breath hitches.

"What is- Taehyung is this another-"

"Yes...I-I can't breathe", Tae's voice breaks while his face gets fully covered in sweat, struggling to draw breaths.

"Taehyung where is your inhaler?"

"I don't- home- don't have", Taehyung says, coughing as he keeps struggling to breathe.

"Where are you?"

"Driving- red light"

"Fuck Taehyung! Where is your driver? Park your car off the road. Right now! Send me your location. I am coming. And don't you fucking die on me Kim Taehyung!", Jimin yells, running towards his car to go find his friend.

Taehyung somehow manages to get his car off the road, sends Jimin his location and waits. Just waits. He does not know for how long. He is wheezing and coughing every other second. Struggling for every breath he draws as his vision gets blurry. He doesn't know if he will make it until Jimin comes to save him. He doesn't know if he WANTS to make it until Jimin comes to save him. He doesn't know if he wants to keep struggling anymore. Maybe this is all for the greater good. Maybe this is how his sufferings end. Maybe this is the punishment he gets for ruining his family. Maybe this will finally make his siblings happy. Maybe this will finally make HIM happy. Happy on the other side of life where there are no sufferings. He suddenly wants to stop struggling. He wants to let go. He wants to accept fate. There is nothing for him on this side. No one. Maybe this is how he repents for breaking Jungkook's heart. Jungkook. A smile forms on Taehyung's almost lifeless body when he thinks of Jungkook.

His body drops down, drenched in sweat, lungs struggling to keep going but lips, still smiling as the mind thinks about those doe eyes, full of innocence and warmth. That bright generous smile that can warm any cold heart. That endearing voice which would take away all his stress in a second. Maybe this is what he deserves for breaking Jungkook like he did. 'This is it', he thinks, still smiling just waitng for it to get over, while his body lies down. This is destiny. This is what he deserves.

"Taehyung! TAEHYUNG!!", Jimin screams trying to wake him up. He puts the mouthpiece of the inhaler in Taehyung's mouth and presses the canister several times. "Get up! Get up! Get up! Breath you fucking bastard. I swear to God if you die on me. TAEHYUNG!!", Jimin keeps shaking his friend up, while tears keeps rolling down his cheeks.

Jimin pushes Taehyung to the passenger seat and sits on the driver's seat, driving off, wanting to go to the nearby hospital. Taehyung needs help. He is driving as fast as he can when he hears Taehyung cough. "Taehyung? Taehyung can you hear me? TAEHYUNG?", Jimin yells at him trying to focus on the road.

"Stop the car", Taehyung says in a crooked voice.

"What? Why? I am taking your irresponsible ass to the hospital"

"I am fine now Jimin. Thanks to you. Stop the car"

Jimin pulls over and looks at Taehyung. "Can you breath?"

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