Chapter 15: The Kidnapping Pt. 1

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It's dark and cold. He feels a shooting pain in his head and tries to lift his hand to massage it. The pain is unbearable. The hand doesn't move for some reason. He tries again. Nothing. He tries to open his eyes and as soon as he does, he finds everything revolve around him. More accurately, he finds the darkness revolve around him because that is the only thing he can see. He is dizzy, he is cold and the pain threatening to explode his head. He feels like he is sitting on a chair with his hands on the armrest. He tries to look at his hands, he can't. It's too dark. He tries to move them, he can't. His hands are cuffed to the armrest. He can feel the cold iron cuffs on his wrists. His breath is heavy and his heart races fast as he calls out for someone, anyone. "Hello? Anyone here? Where am I?", his voice is feeble and crooked. He is parched, his throat too dry to allow him to scream for help. He tries to move his legs only to find out they have been cuffed to the legs of the iron chair as well.

"So this is what it feels like being kidnapped", he mumbles to himself. For some strange reason, he isn't scared, just curious. Why would anyone in their right mind, kidnap a software engineer who comes from a middle class family and has no enemies what-so-ever? Maybe they got the wrong man because there is absolutely nothing they could get out of kidnapping him. Thousands of such possiblities cross Jungkook's mind while he waits for someome to come tell him what this is all about.

He has been waiting in that dark place, cuffed to the chair for a long time. How long, he doesn't know. He has no idea for how many hours he has been here or what time of the day it is. Is it still night or is it the next morning? Or the next? He suddenly thinks about Taehyung. He must be waiting for him. Does he know his boyfriend is missing yet? Is it long enough for him to worry about him? Can he be looking for him? Is ANYONE looking for him? What if Jin finds out his brother is missing? How will he deal with it? Jungkook sighs, closing his eyes again to try and shut all these thoughts out of his mind when suddenly, he hears a door creek open letting in some light on his face, hurting his eyes as soon as as he tries to open them again. He blinks several times, his pupils trying to adjust to the light before he could open his eyes again.
"Who the hell are you?", he grunts looking at a lean man with a black mask that covers his whole face except his eyes and nostrils. The man switches the lights on and Jungkook looks around his to find himself in a dungeon? "Where the hell am I?", he grunts, moving vigorously in the chair trying to free himself.

 The man switches the lights on and Jungkook looks around his to find himself in a dungeon? "Where the hell am I?", he grunts, moving vigorously in the chair trying to free himself

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"Even if you do look like a strong man, I
am not sure if you will be able to break those iron cuffs. You should save your energy, you will need it.", the man says, his smirk almost audible in his voice. "What do you want from me? Why would you kidnap me? You will get nothing, I don't come from a lot of money", Jungkook mumbles, his throat sore.

"We don't need anything from you. You are useless to us. You are just a bait.", the man continues.

"Bait? For what?", Jungkook says, annoyed.

"Your boyfriend", the man deadpans making Jungkook shoot his head up and look straight in the kidnapper's dark eyes. He keeps his face straight trying not to let the man get what he might be thinking. Now he understands what this is all about. These people want him to get to Taehyung, blackmail him or worse, hurt him. How they know about their relationship remains a mystery to Jungkook when even Jin doesn't know that they got back together. "What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend.", he deadpans, staring into the eyes of the masked man.

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