Chapter 36: Past and Future

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"You look tired", Jin says entering his office with a smile.

"Just got done with a long surgery. Wanted to see if you were free", Namjoon stands up and pecks the older's plump lips.

"It's funny how the both of work in the same hospital and still don't get enough time with each other", the older turns around and locks the door behind him.

"So we have to steal time like this", Namjoon pulls Jin by his white coat and gives him a warm kiss before gently pushing him onto the couch. He deepens his kiss, moving his hands all over Jin while the older gently holds Namjoon's face. Their secret office makeout session is interrupted with an impatient knock on the door.

"They don't like to see us happy", Jin chuckles before opening the door and letting a hospital attendant rush in. "Dr. Namjoon, you are needed in the ER. It's a drug overdose case", informs the attendant.

"Where is Dr. Moonbyul? She specialises in drug abuse, not me", Namjoon says rolling his eyes.

"Dr. Byul is busy with another patient sir. You have experience with drug abuse so the administration has asked for you", continues the attendant.

Namjoon doesn't say a word but looks evidently troubled and his hesitation does not go unnoticed by Jin as he volunteers to take up this particular case, "It's okay, I will take this one up", he pats Namjoon's shoulder. "I will be there in 5", he tells the attendant.

"Thank you", the younger whispers avoiding eye contact. "You might not find someone to fill in for you always. We will talk about this problem of yours later", Jin says as seriously as it gets and the younger simply nods, still avoiding eye contact.

Jin is about to go attend the patient when his phone rings and he immediately answers. "Yes? Oh! I see. It's alright. I will be right there".

"What happened?", Namjoon asks fearing that he himself will have to take up the drug overdose case anyway now.

"The surgery I performed in the morning, the patient is facing some complications. I will have to go see them. I am sorry. You'll have to attend that patient now", Jin tells the younger sounding almost apologetic.


"Shhh", Jin takes a step towards his boyfriend and engulfs his face in his palms, "You are going to be okay baby. It's just a job okay? You just go there and do your job. Don't think about anything else. Okay?"

Namjoon simply nods in response looking unsure.

"Baby?", Jin lifts his boyfriend's face to make him face him.


"You are one of the bravest men I know. You will be okay", Jin says before placing a comforting kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.


"So miss Dami, you are saying that your father never involved Yoongi into any of his business and they have never been close?", the Judge asks Dami.

"That's correct", she answers confidently.

"So according to you, your brother has never been involved into your father's business?"

"They hate each other way too much for that to be possible, sir", she smiles.

Yoongi stands at trial for abetting in the crimes of his father while Dami stands on the witness stand defending his brother. Hoseok has been sitting in the crowd praying for his cousin to be realised and hoping that whatever they planned and did for this to happen was enough. Jimin stands outside the courtroom close enough to the entrance to be able to hear everything. Having lied to the jail security about his identity, he cannot really defend Yoongi himself as Park Jimin so he gathered all evidence and coached Yoongi's lawyer on how to deal with this case.

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