Chapter 19: His Incomplete Possession

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Jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. He raises his hand to wipe the sweat off of his forehead but he can't. He tries again. Nothing. He feels cold iron around his wrists. He looks down. He is on the chair. Again. Cold iron handcuffs tie his wrists to the armrests. He tries to move his legs. Nothing. He realises he is back in the dungeon. Arms and legs cuffed to the iron chair. Unlike the last time, he is terrified. He screams at the top of his lungs, "How the fuck did I end up here again? HYUNG! Someone get me out of here! Hyung!"

He stops screaming when he hears the door creak open and in walks the man in the black mask, his left arm is in a shoulder immobilizer arm brace while his right arm holds a gun. He stands infront of Jungkook and points the gun to his face, "You didn't think you would break my arm and not pay the price for it. Did you?", his face has an evil smirk that can even be seen from over his mask.

Jungkook vigorously moves in the chair trying to set himself free, "How the fuck did I end up here? Where is Kim Taehyung?", he yells.

"I am not going to uncuff you this time Mr. Black belt and your boyfriend won't come to save you either. Not this time.", he laughs pointing the gun to Jungkook's head while he closes his eyes, helpless. It's over. His whole life revolves in his mind. His parents, his boyfriend, his cousin, his friends. He can see all of them and then he hears the gunshot and everything goes dark and silent. His heart races and he smells blood but he doesn't feel the pain. Nothing. He tries to open his eyes and sees no one infront of him. The masked kidnapper is not here. He is confused. What happened? He hears a faint voice calling for him, "Koo..". Jungkook immediately looks in the direction of the sound, his own feet. He looks down and finds Taehyung lying in the pool of his own blood. The blood that oozes out of his heart. Jungkook screams at the top of his lungs and the tear floods in his eyes overflow, "Hyung, hyung, how? NO- Hyung please.NO!", he sobs looking down at his feet, helpless. He puts all his strength into trying to break out of his cuffs. He needs to help Taehyung. He can't watch him die, "Hyung talk to me! Hyung? Taehyung baby please!", he screams again as he watches blood flooding out of his boyfriend's mouth who looks straight up into Jungkook's eyes, "It's over have lost me", he says choking on his own blood.

Jungkook cries and his screams echo in the large dark dungeon, "DON'T DIE ON ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD. WAKE UP HYUNGG PLEASE! GOD BABY NO PLEASE! WAKE UP, TAEHYUNGGG!", Jungkook screams sitting back up on the bed, panting, his body covered in sweat, his heart threatening to explode.

Taehyung wakes up hearing Jungkook scream his name and he immediately holds his shoulders trying to stablize him, "Hey, hey, babe..what is it?"

Jungkook looks beside him to find Taehyung holding his shoulders looking worried. "Hyung..", Jungkook holds Taehyung's face in his palms and then lets his hand roam over his boyfriend's chest. No blood, no wound. Nothing. "You're okay..hyung you're alive", he whispers, still panting.

Taehyung immediately makes Jungkook lie back down on the bed and lies beside him on his side facing him. "Jungkook look at me. It was just a nightmare. Just that. Nothing else. Nightmares are not reality. Calm down baby, it's okay!", he says pecking Jungkook's forehead whose heart rate slowly begins to come down to normal. Jungkook just stares straight up at Taehyung's face, his eyes still red and teary. He gently caresses Taehyung's face, "I-I saw blood on you", he chokes as tears begin to stream down his eyes.

"Do you see any blood now? No right? I am okay baby. I am here!", he lowers down to gently kiss Jungkook's bruised pout as he wipes his tears away.

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