Chapter 55: The Most Powerful Man In The Room Pt. 2

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Jungkook splashes water on his face to wash away his tears and calm his mind but neither the mind cools down nor does the tears stop. He takes several deep breaths but the anger inside him keeps on boiling. Marriage? With Jennie? How dare he? He cusses Taehyung in his head when the man himself walks into the gent's room and bolts it from inside so one else can enter.

"What are you doing here all alone? I thought I told you to not get out of the security's sight? It's not safe!", Taehyung almost yells at the younger as soon as he enters before he notices his red eyes and face.

"Jungkook! I know you are upset about the whole marriage thing but it's just-"

"IT'S JUST WHAT?", Jungkook yells, "HOW DARE YOU!?"

"Okay baby calm down and listen", he tries to pacify the younger.


"HEY!", Taehyung fairly agitated, "Stop yelling Jungkook and we can have a civil conversation about this".

"Oh right! Civil conversations with me, dances with her. Laughing in the bedroom with me, laughing in the public with her. Making love with me and marrying her. I am the boyfriend at home and she is a potential wife in public. Not fair hyung. Not. fair."

"I can see you are hurt, we can talk about this", Taehyung tries to tap the younger's shoulder to calm him down but he pushes his hand away, "Don't touch me!", he yells again before his frustration opens the tear gates in his eyes and he is sobbing in front of the older in no time.

"Baby, hey please don't.."

"Are you really going to marry her, hyung?"

"WHAT!", Taehyung exclaims in shock, "Hell no! Why would I? I said it sounded like a good idea that doesn't mean it will happen. I didn't say yes Koo".

"You didn't say 'No' either"

Taehyung sighs in defeat, "Jungkook, I can not offend her father. He doesn't realise this but I need this deal more than he does. This deal will help facilitate the Han Riverside and you know what that project means to me. I can't let this deal go. My mother has only one dream and this project is it. It cannot fail".

"So you will marry his daughter to not offend him?".

"I will not. I will just not refuse it outright. Let the deal happen and I will let them know I don't think the wedding is a good idea. It's not like I am getting engaged to her. This is just talks".

"Talks will change into promises and promises will change into wedding bells in no time", Jungkook scoffs.

"You know that will never happen", Taehyung gently pulls Jungkook closer by his hands and wraps his arms around the younger. "Do you hear the faint music?"


"Let's dance", the older smiles.

"I don't want to."

"Please? Be my dance tonight? I don't want to dance with other people", Taehyung pouts. He sways left and right with the younger in his arms before Jungkook stops moving.

"Hyung..whatever your plan is, this is not right"

"Oh god!", Taehyung rolls his eyes, "You are overreacting now. I am not going to marry anyone. Okay? Talking doesn't mean shit. You don't need to be so sensitive about everything".

"Sensitive about everything?", Jungkook scoffs, "Do you want me to be heartless like you then?"

"Oh, I am heartless now. Great!"

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