Chapter 49: Playing Games

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Taehyung sleeps peacefully in his bed when he feels a strange presence in his apartment. He hears the door of his bedroom open and he immediately flips around to see to find a tired-looking and sleepy Jungkook. The older freezes in place to see his boyfriend in the bedroom of his secret apartment.

"Wha- How- I- How the- Jungkook- you-", he tries to talk but his tongue went into shock with the rest of his body. How in the world was Jungkook here?
Jungkook doesn't pay much heed to his boyfriend's perplexed expressions and simply gets inside the blanket laying beside Taehyung and snuggling his head into the older's chest while the later has both of his hands in air, still frozen in shock.

"How are you here?", the older managed to speak, "Who told you where I live? What makes you think you can just get in my bed and sleep next to me? And how did you even-"

"Shhhhhh", the younger shushes Taehyung, his eyes still shut. He continues in a tired voice, "Stop talking Hyung. I am tired. Let me sleep". He holds the older's arms and wraps them around him, snuggling deeply into his warm chest, his safe space. He immediately falls asleep. Taehyung reluctantly holds Jungkook making sure he doesn't hurt the younger's wounded skin. Not like he had an option, given the situation. He watches Jungkook sleeping peacefully in his embrace, still unsure if he was dreaming. How did the younger even end up here? Taehyung realises how he only sees the younger's sleeping face these days because he hasn't been able to face him when he is awake and also because he couldn't stay with a man who lied to him. He gently runs his fingers through the younger's hair, watching his adorable face and cherry red lips. "I am not sure if I am happy you are here or I am mad you had the audacity to barge into my apartment after betraying me", he whispers to the sleeping Jungkook before he himself drifts off to sleep with the younger in his arms.


Jungkook wakes up all smiley the next morning. He slept well even though the bed was new since the arms he fell asleep in were familiar. He looks around to find Taehyung when he doesn't find him sleeping beside him. The smile on his face vanishes in a second when he finds Taehyung sitting on a couch staring straight at him.

"Sit up", the older commands making Jungkook gulp. He sits up instantly.

"Good morning hyung", he smiles adorably.

"Here's what's going to happen", Taehyung deadpans, "You are going to freshen up, have breakfast, take your meds and leave immediately. Am I clear?"

Jungkook doesn't respond.

"Am I clear?"

"Sure", Jungkook smiles. "You should pack your stuff as well. It will avoid any delays".

"Excuse me?", the older raises his eyebrows.

"The only way you can make me leave is when you come back with me", he smiles again.

Taehyung scoffs at the stubborn boy in front of him. "If you don't leave on your own, I will make you", he hisses, looking dead straight into the younger's eyes. This look by Taehyung usually intimidates the living crap out of people but not Jungkook. Taehyung found the younger chuckling in response before he got out of the bed and walked upto the couch Taehyung sat on. He sits down on Taehyung's lap with his legs on either side of the older's legs. He wraps one arm around the older and brushes his face gently with the other hand before whispering, "Then make me".

Taehyung is suddenly rendered speechless by the younger's audacity. He was trying to get him to leave and here he was sitting on his lap, seducing him. Before Taehyung could say anything else, Jungkook hugs him like a koala hugging a tree and continues speaking with his face snuggled in the nook of the older's neck, "I am sorry about last night hyung. I had so much trouble finding this apartment. I was tired and in pain when I reached here. I had no energy to answer any of your questions".

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