ten - curse of the bro-speak

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*Hey hey guys! I am updating on Mondays and Thursdays now! 

I hope that you're all doing well! Without further ado here's the chapter.* 

- Rya -

I make my way down the hall, shocked at the students laughing around me. Everyones just going about their lives as normal. It's almost like there wasn't an explosion here two days ago. Everything should be different now, any yet it seems exactly the same as I approach the row of lockers that our friends have claimed for the past four years.

I'm still yards away when a cry hits my ears. In a blur of hair and arms someone almost tackles me in a hug. I tense until I realize that Emerys black braids are slapping me in the face. A second later Olivia crashes into us too, almost knocking me into the wall of lockers.

"Why the hell did you not answer any of our texts?" Emery bellows in my ear. Shoot. I totally forgot. Instantly regret shoots through me. Emery continues, pulling away from me, "The last thing Olivia and I saw was you being hauled off to the hospital by Supers we didn't know if you were okay or not."

Between the Supers, Ivette's rumors, and work I barely had time to consider what my friends would be thinking. I feel terrible. Now I understand why it's been so hard for Trey to keep in touch with us. Except I won't let some League members keep me from my friends.

"I'm so sorry guys. It was just so crazy that I forgot." My gaze darts between the two of them. The mixture of relief and terror in their eyes keeps the regret pitted in my stomach. I glance from Emery to Olivia then back again. The story is itching at the back of my throat, about to bust out. I have to tell someone. But the hallway around us is packed with students. I can't risk it, not here.

Instead I give Emery a meaningful look, "I'm fine I promise."

Olivia looks convinced but I can see that Emery understood. She gives me an intense look and I can tell that she's not going to let this drop.

Pulling me with her toward the lockers, I finally have enough space to take in the rest of the hallway. Jackson isn't here yet, he never is during baseball season, but to my surprise Trey's leaning against the lockers. He hasn't gotten up but he studies me with an intensity that shutters through my bones. Just as quickly it's gone and he grins, "Glad to see you're alive."

I narrow my eyes at him. Trey definitely knows that I'm not hurt, Ghost would have told him. Time for PLOT phase 1.5. Sliding down the locker next to him I lean forward, lowering my voice so only he can hear, "Would you say you're super glad."

Trey turns his head sharply and I have to strife a laugh. I can see the surprise in his face that he quickly tries to repress. Oh this is going to be so much more fun that I thought.

Before I can say anything else, racing steps echo down the hallway. I turn to see Jackson jogging toward us, loaded down with bags. He stops a few lockers down, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. When he straightens up he grins around at us, "Practice was brutal this morning!"

"Hey," I point at him, grinning, "No more bro-speak, you're with us now."

"You know I can't help it after practice." Jackson throws his hands up in exasperation as Olivia giggles. He turns back to face me holding up an arm and flexing underneath his letter jacket, "It was arm day today, gotta get jacked yah know?"

Emery buries her face behind her hands as I roll my eyes. Putting my hands over my ears I call, "Ew please stop! I can't take the dude energy emanating from you right now."

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