twenty six - the past is definitely *not* in the past

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*Welcome back, here is another chapter for all you lovely folks. I'm having so much fun playing around with plot twists so comment on the part of the chapter that you find most surprising!*

- Rya -

Wind whips around the boy's face as he steps back toward the edge of the building. Freckles stand out starkly against the parlor of his skin. His face is contorted in confusion, in fear. I can feel myself stretching out to him, my heart aches as I beg him to stop.

He's frozen on the ledge, one foot inches from the side. I can't see over the edge but from the buildings around us I know it's a long drop. The wind pushes us, my balance shifts and I can feel my stomach turn. Please, please don't stumble.

I take another step forward and the boy reaches out to me. I lean forward, my fingers brushing against his. As soon as our skin brushes the boy morphs, becoming haughty and cold. Bella grabs my hand and pulls me forward. Past her. Over the ledge.

Air rushes around me. The ground flies up to meet me. My mouth opens and a terrible scream escapes lungs.

I shoot up, my eyes flying open. A cold sweat is running down my back. It takes me a few moments to process where I am. In my room, my back pressed against the wall, a blanket draped over my lap. Safe.

Shivering, I gather the blanket around me. Bella is infiltrating even my dreams now.

Something sifts and I feel a pressure on my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I see Nicks head has dropped onto my shoulder, eyes still shut in a deep sleep. Right, this kid can sleep through anything.

The dream altered memory still swims behind my eyes. I do recognize him now. Though the boy in front of me is older and more assured than the one I met years ago, he still has the same smattering of freckles across his face. Asleep he looks so peaceful, it's hard to believe he has an estranged homicidal sister.

I rub my free hand across the back of my eyes. I don't know when I passed out last night and I'm still exhausted but I know I won't be able to sleep again. There has to be some loophole, some way for me to convince the League that I'm not evil. Nicks stupid optimism rubbed off on me, his words from the night before playing over and over in my head.

"If someones out there masquerading as Shadow and trying to frame you there's a chance that they have proof you're innocent, or at least they know you are." The Super leans back against the wall, tapping away at his holotablet.

"Or someone just wants to build off the fear I caused back then." I wave a hand, dismissing the idea. That's too much hope for me to take right now, one step at a time. "Why would someone establish themself as a terrifying Villain when they can just borrow my already terror filled alias?"

"Okay, well don't you think someone would notice if Shadow mysteriously developed two superpowers." Nick raises an eyebrow.

"What if they can actually teleport? What if they aren't a Super at all?" I continue. I've been finding reasons that no one will believe me about Shadow for so long that it's hard to stop now.

Nick shakes his head, immediately dismissing the idea, "There are only two other Supers in the database who can teleport. Your second idea has to be closer to the truth but I still think someone's trying to mess with your reputation."

It hits me then, my reputation not Shadows. He's not saying this is about some other supervillain with a grudge. He's saying it's about me.

"You think it's your sister?"

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