thirty three - we go rouge

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*Hey everyone, happy Monday. I know, I know, it's shocking that I'm actually posting on time. I'll let you get right to it and have a longer authors note at the end.* 

- Rya -

My eyes flicker over the office, from the modern desk to the metallic shelves to the door made entirely of frosted glass. Everything is chrome and white and sparsely furnished, the same as the rest of the rooms I've seen in League HQ. I'm seated along the back wall in the same metallic chair, my hands cuffed before me.

Nothing shows that this office is special. Nothing, that is, except for the framed picture of a gapped toothed kid with dark hair and even darker eyes. A younger version of Connor Warrick, making this Archer Warrick's office. Afterthought's office.

My gaze moves on from the desk to the one interesting thing in the room - the wall of blue energy sparkling before me. It slices the room in half, separating me from the door and the figure standing there.

Trey has his arms crossed, resolutely staring at the wall a foot above my head.

His brow is furrowed. Someone else might assume it was from the concentration of keeping up the energy field, but I've seen that look before. Time and time again, but never with this much furry and never directed at me.

He hasn't spoken to me, hasn't looked at me, in at least half an hour. The silence is thick with rage as he tries to ignore me. With each second it grows worse, threatening to choke me.

Finally I can't take it anymore, I snap and my voice punctures the silence between us, "So what, you're not even going to look at me?"

Trey grits his teeth, his gaze never wavering from the point over my head. He looks older. From the dark circles under his eyes to the stubble dotting his jaw the night seems to have taken a toll on him.

I lean forward in my chair, trying to ignore the press of the metal cuffs into my wrists.

"Come on, Trey please just listen-"

"Nope." I flinch back in shock as the harsh word echoes through the space. He looks down at me for a split second before his gaze flickers away again as if the sight of the suit burns.

Holding out a hand, his brows draw even closer together. Releasing a shaky breath he commands, "Just stop."

Again I wait. My hope is quickly dissipating into thin air. If Trey can't find it in himself to trust me how on earth can I expect the Council too?

"I'm not evil, Trey." I whisper but the words sound more like a plea than a statement. The truth is I'm not sure what I am, but I know I'm not a Villain.

"Tell that to the 21 people that died."

The words bite into me and I look away. He's right, their deaths are all on my shoulders. Maybe I didn't kill them but I didn't save them either and that's just as bad.

"What I don't understand," His face hasn't changed from the intense frown but finally his eyes float down to me, hovering somewhere in the vicinity of my shoulder. I swallow back disappointment. He still can't look me in the eyes.

He starts again, "What I don't understand is how you could be a terrorist. Fine, you lied about being a Super. I can accept that right up until you start killing people. I mean we were, what, freshman? Was high school really so terrible that you had to resort to murder?"

A startled laugh escapes me, I can't help it, and in a moment I'm laughing almost deliriously. I'm not even sure if I'm laughing or crying anymore. Everything about this is insane, finally the lack of sleep and my wrung out emotions are catching up with me.

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