thirteen - we've got spirit

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- Trey - 

Pep assemblies are the worst. Sure, we all have school spirit, and yay our sports are winning or whatever, but do we really have to pack all 2000 of us into the gym to talk about it for an hour?

I slump down on the bleachers. The only thing getting me through this is the thought of leaving school. Not that I'll get to do anything now that LP knows I've been secretly patrolling.

As Principal Kingston drones on and on I feel my eyes drooping. In front of me, the heads of Jackson and Rya are blurring.

"Here it comes!" Emery squeals almost directly in my ear.

I start, glancing around the room. Here what comes? I've been paying absolutely no attention. I'm about to ask what in the world she's talking about when Skye makes her way to the center of the court.

Ah yes, the prom announcements. Sooooo exciting.

"Hey Westend Tigers!" Her voice is way peppier than is necessary for a Tuesday afternoon, "It's time for the announcement I know you've all been waiting for, our Prom Court."

Cheers erupt around the gym. In the row in front of me Rya glances back, rolling her eyes in exasperation. I grin, glad that someone else shares my priorities.

On the floor Skye passes the microphone to another girl and she starts into a speech about how the prom King and Queen will be announced at the dance, but now they are announcing nominees.

I zone out as she starts to call names. One by one, kids parade down the gym floor as generic classical music swells in the background.

"Jackson Davis!" The voice calls, Emery gasps and elbows me in the ribs.

Jackson slides from the seat in front of me, swaggering down the stairs. I'm not surprised that he'd be on prom court. Beside me Emery and Olivia are hissing back and forth at such a high pitch only dogs should be able to hear.

I slide forward into the seat next to Rya. She leans over, whispering "Can you believe that Jackson got nominated."

"I can." I deadpan.

"Thanks." Rya rolls her eyes at me, turning away from the stage. Her eyes begin to sparkle. Oh no, this is the same look she got last week. I thought we were done with the Super jokes. Yesterday it seemed as though she finally gave up but it looks like I was wrong.

"You know it's too bad we don't have a Super in our school," She grins maniacally, "I bet they would totally win prom king."

I glance away, unable to stop my face from glowing like a tomato. No part of me wants to be prom king, but I know things would be a lot different if I exposed my identity. If my classmates knew I was in the League I would be even more popular than Jackson.

Skye's voice cuts over my thoughts, "The theme is A Night to Remember!"

What, how is that even a theme? But Emery and Olivia clap along with the rest of the gym. Rya leans over, sensing my confusion, "It's from High School Musical."

"Dork." I mutter, elbowing her in the side.

She glances over at me with a smirk, "Yeah just keep pretending that I haven't seen you sing every song in that movie."

This is ture. I can't deny that High School Musical is a timeless classic and yes, I do know almost every song by heart. I have no shame.

I hold up a finger, "To be fair, I only know the songs in the second one."

"That's acceptable, it's the best one."

Rya's grin fades as her phone buzzes. She thrust the device into her backpack, her jaw clenched. I missed the message on the screen but whatever it was, it's completely changed her demeanor. The humor from before is gone, replaced with a stoic silence.

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