fourteen - sunglasses would be more effective

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* It's the chapter! The chapter that has the name of the book in it, we finally got to it!*

- Rya -

The car is idling outside a house, the familiar blue door staring back at me as puffs of exhaust drift through the cool air. Ghost is so frazzled I didn't even protest as he raced the car through the neighborhood streets, but I can't stay silent any longer.

I glance over at Ghost, raising an eyebrow, "This is not the League."

"We have to get Trey first," Ghost slides out of his seat, the tension still crackling off him. "He needs to be here for this."

"I thought I wasn't supposed to know-"

Before I can finish Ghost is already racing up the steps to Treys house. I throw my hands up in exasperation, as I watch the Super pound on the door. It swings open half a second later. Trey is standing there in sweats, his hair tousled as if he just got out of the shower. Since Ghost didn't bother to shut the car door after him I can hear their every word.

"What's up?" Treys asks. His brow wrinkles as his eyes scan over Ghost and toward the car. Our eyes lock and he goes pale. He takes a few steps back, stuttering, "I mean um who are you?"

I can hear the eye-roll in Ghosts voice as he drags his partner back to the waiting car, "She knows man. Get in the car, we've got places to be."

A range of emotions flickers over Trey's face but in the end he just shrugs and slides into the back seat. Leaning between the front seats he shoots me a questioning look. I shake my head, just as lost as he is.

Ghost peels out of the driveway. My hands fly out in front of me, barely bracing me in time to keep from slamming into the dashboard. Next to me Trey topples head over heels into the back seat.

In the back of my mind I wonder if it's safe for Ghost to be driving with that mask on, or really if he's driven before, as he swerves dangerously through the neighborhood streets. I feel that in his current mood, asking would not be the best idea.

Trey pops back up, rubbing the side of his head where it whacked against the back of my seat. I barely stifle a snicker. He leans forward again, probably a stupid decision seeing as we're still racing around corners at twice the speed limit.  "How come he gets to drive Mona? I never got to drive."

We race around another corner, the tires screeching. My knuckles turn white as I grip the door handle, muttering under my breath, "I already regret it."

After a moment of silence Trey turns to me, he's still leaning forward so he's level with Ghost and I, "I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the fact that LP told you I'm a Super."

"Ghost didn't tell me." I say incredulously. Removing the hand that's keeping me from sliding into the door to point at Trey, I continue, "I know because it was the most obvious thing on the planet."

"I'm sorry, I think I lied pretty well." Trey mutters, his cheek going red even as he indignantly crosses his arms. 

"Sure, until I was supposed to be surrounded by Supers 24x7 and the only time they weren't there you were." I roll my eyes, "Oh and the fact that for the past two months you've been the flakiest person ever. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

"But I wore a mask and everything." Trey pouts, sagging into his seat  like a chastised preschooler.

I throw my hands up in exasperation, "That mask covers, like, 2% of your face, a good pair of sunglasses would be more effective!"

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