twenty three - time to destroy

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*Hello, hello friends time for a new chapter! I hope that you all have had a great week, now it's time for some more Superhero action. This chapter is a little shorter but I promise I'll make up for it on Monday! It's back to another old friend today... *

- Trey -

I hop on one foot, trying to get my leg into the suit. It's been two weeks, how is it possible to not fit in my super suit anymore?

Despite my struggle, my heart is pounding with adrenaline. A Villian attack, for the first time in years. The League needs all hands on deck and that means my suspension is lifted. Finally.

With a yelp, I fall sideways crashing into the bed frame but at least the suits on. Rushing to plaster on my mask, I ignite my hands. The energy swirls outward, the window bursting open. I shoot through, the flare of blue so bright that it's practically daylight. Landing on one knee, I slowly raise my head. A ring of grass all around me has been plastered to the ground. Wisps of blue energy dissolve around me. Cerulean ray is back. If that's not a superhero moment I don't know what is.

Too bad no one's here to see it.

I sigh and stand up, dusting a blade of grass from my suit. Time to get to HQ. If Shadow really is back then we're all in deep trouble. I was a freshman when she first struck and I still remember the mass panic that swept the city.

My hands spark again, the energy surging around me as I prepare to rocket into the sky. I stop, the nerves on my back tingling. Slowly I spin around, scanning the darkness. A pair of eyes glare back at me.

My blood runs cold even as I step forward, squinting into the space between two houses. The darkness is complete except for the two patches of light shining back at me. The predatory gaze glistening cobalt from the energy sizzling off me. 

My blood boils as the figure steps forward. Light cascades over his hulking form. His arms are thick as tree trunks. His eyes blazing with unrestrained fury. 

Destroyer. I have no idea how he found me. 

His eyes skitter around the street like a cornered animal. With the dark shadows beneath them it's clear that the past week has not been good to him. He's a fugitive after all. 

Large holes spot his muscle tank, as if he's been living out of a dump for the past week. Without a uniform he looks homeless rather than villainous but that does nothing to lessen the intensity of his glower. 

The villain's eyes gleam with maniacal anger and the menace in his voice is clear as he growls, "You."

"Me." I confirm. This time I'm not taking any chances, there won't be any chit chat. I whip my arm up, about to record a message to send to the League but as I begin to speak Destroyer races toward me. I have to roll out of the way to keep from being trampled. 

Apparently he's not over the whole almost putting him in jail thing. Pity. 

The ground shakes as he storms by, almost making me lose my balance as I spring to my feet.  Spinning to face the Villain I see he's still hurtling past me. He might be strong but that makes him slow.

I get strands of blue energy wrapped around him before he can stop his momentum. Destroyer topples to the ground, lines of power encircling him like rope. With a grin, I whip my hands together, feeling a smirk touch the side of my lips. I've been out of action for a week but I've still got it. 

Making my way to the Villains side, I kneel down. His cheek is pressed against the concrete, pebbles digging his skin, growl escapes his throat as I enter his line of sight. I snap my fingers. The energy around the villain tightens. 

"Didn't anyone ever teach you it's not polite to interrupt?" I quirk an eyebrow. 

His eyes bulge with anger, his face so red that it looks maroon under the blue hue of the light. As I watch his muscles ripple. One by one the energy strands snap, sending blue trails sparking off into the night. I gulp.

That's never happened before.

"Puny Hero." The villain rises to his feet. He looms over me, the blue light from my hands is reflected in his eyes with an icy intensity. The ferocity there makes my blood run cold. 

Okay new plan Trey, new plan.

A pulse of energy sends me skyrocketing into the air. I skim past him into the air, the wind rippling at Destroyers shirt. I soar up, one foot, two feet, three feet over Destroyers head. The air beneath me shimmers with energy as I continue into the sky.

The momentum jerks to a stop, my heart plummeting. My ankle is crushed in Destroyers grip as he flinging me backward. In an instant I'm careening toward the ground. I tuck my arms over my head just as the concrete crashes into me.

My forearms pulse with pain. Only seconds before and my face would have smashed into the sidewalk. Every muscle in my body spasms with pain. Behind me I can hear Destroyer laughing maliciously. 

I force myself to my feet. A stabbing pain shoots through my chest, almost making me double over again. Destroyer is advancing on me slowly, his gravely laugh chilling me down to the bone.

I stumble back, the edges of my vision spotting with dots of darkness. With every breath a searing pain shoots through my ribs. They are definitely bruised, maybe even fractured. The world is starting to blur at the edges, the darkness creeping in.

Sparks crackle from my fingertips, sizzling off into the cold night air. They are fainter than ever before. The pain is breaking my concentration. With every staggering step backward the world fades. I try to bring my wrist up again to record a message. I need backup.

My foot catches on the curb, sending me sprawling onto the damp grass. Destroyer looms closer. My heart hammers out of my chest, practically choking me as I stare up at the Villain.

"You're not so chatty now," He cracks his knuckles, leering down at me, "I've been waiting for this for weeks. Finally I get to pummel you twerp."

My hands scrabble around my belt, grasping for the power cuffs that are always there. They come up empty. 

Of course, I had to turn in my gear when I was suspended.

Another strand of terror shoots through me. The adrenaline halts the darkness, pushing me back into reality. Destroyer is a foot away from me now. Even through the searing pain I see my last desperate opportunity.

My hands fly up, a stream of angry sparks hitting the Villain in the face like viscous fireflies.

An angry shout echoes around the street. Instead of backing up like I expected the Villain lunges forward. He grabs blindly for my wrists, cutting off the flow of energy. Pain shoots up my forearms as he crushes my wrists. I've always thought super strength was overrated but now I truly understand the terror of it.

In an instant I've been jerked back into the air. Wind rips at my uniform, so harsh that tears spring from my eyes. I'm spinning so fast that I can't tell which way is up. Sparks shoot out in all directions as I try to right myself. I blink away the tears just in time to see a dark wall looming before me.  

Pain lances through my skull and the world fades to black. 

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