sixteen - boop!

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* OH MY GOSH HELLO! This week was insane, I had an epiphany for a new version of this chapter around noon on Wednesday based off a convo I had with AmrutaBelambe and then I needed to rewrite this entire chapter. 😬😬😬 This, of course, was followed by me having to do 10 straight hours of homework and there was no way for me to finish the rewrite before Thursday morning. 

BUT now it's done, it might not be as polished as some of the other chapters but here it is! 

  So sorry for the delay and I WILL BE POSTING ON SCHEDULE again starting on Monday.*

- Trey -

There should be a free pass for Superheroes to skip school.

See, the reason teachers don't want you to skip is because they think once you skip that's a straight shot to a life of crime. Unless of course you already work in law enforcement like, say, you're a member of the League. Skipping one day isn't going to spiral me into becoming a criminal mastermind.

I - for one - think that this is an airtight theory. According to LP though, there are a few problems.

Problem 1 - I have no good reason to be skipping school. The no good, very bad reason I'm skipping is because I can't stand to see Rya after yesterday. Not after she lied.

Problem 2 - Superheroes shouldn't get special treatment. This one's just stupid, it's like saying that the police shouldn't be able to speed through red lights.

Problem 3 - I still need school because apparently my ability to retain information is subpar. I forget two things from orientation and now LP thinks my memory is as limited as a goldfish.

Moral of the story - stay in school kids.

Of course after LP said all this he walked away, leaving me fuming as I tried to call up an appropriate response. I expected HQ to be empty this morning since most Supers patrol at night. I wanted to be away from people I knew, not get scolded by one.

Next to more Conor snorts. He was here the entire time that LP was berating me and didn't say a word, just stood there and smirked.

"Some help you are,'' I mutter in indignation. Turning away, I look over the rest of the lobby which is still packed to the brim with Supers. Apparently crime never stops, even in broad daylight. None of the Council members were here to see that, thank goodness, but the nearest Heroes are sending strange looks our way.

I push past them, marching blindly through the lobby. My vision is fuzzy as the anger takes over my brain. I can't catch a break, thing after thing just keeps pummeling me.

On the back wall, the League logo looms over me tauntingly. What good is it to be here if I can't even be a hero?

Connors footsteps echo across the lobby as he races after me. I don't turn as I stalk toward the back stairwell, past the help desk, past the cafe, past the couches and scattered Supers.

"Having a good day?" He jokes as he reaches my side.

I glare over at him. His black eye has almost faded now, only a yellow tinge to the skin around his eye to show it was ever there.

"Fantastic," I mutter, shoving my palm against the stairwell door. It slams against the wall with a metallic crash.

Connor slides in front of me, blocking my path through the door. His grin fades slightly as his dark eyes flicker over my face so brown they're almost black. They draw me in, holding my gaze so I can't look away. His voice drops lower, barely a whisper, "He told me what happened."

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