twelve - my young padawan

271 18 4

- Rya -

Peaking around the side of a dilapidated crate, I crane my next to see out of the alleyway into the deserted street beyond. With a sigh, I sit back on my heels. My hand slips into a patch of something sticky on the ground, I whip it away trying not to think of what it could be.

Rya, why are you hiding in a disgusting alley, you might be wondering. I think the real question is why aren't you. Well I owe this particular lapse in judgment to the fact that it's Monday. No, I do not normally spend my Monday nights skulking around the lower east side of the city, hiding amongst garbage and filth.

I should probably just explain.

As I said it's Monday. Problem being nothing has happened in a week. I haven't been attacked again. There have been no leads about who is attacking me or why they want to hurt Trey. Speaking of Trey, he hasn't cracked and admitted he's a Super yet which infuriates me to no end. I'm starting to question whether or not I'll ever be able to get rid of the League at all. They seem to love sticking around. The PLOT has been stalled.

So now I've resorted to this, sneaking out of my house at one am to try to get information about who could possibly want to attack Trey. Last night I heard Ghost talking to someone, saying that he was following a potential lead in a case in the lower east side tonight. It's got to be Trey's case. So here I am.

Stupid? Definitely. But I need answers and if this is how I have to get them then that's that.

I still can't get Ivette's words out of my head. He'll betray us, that's he doesn't tell anyone his identity. Was it a good idea to stalk someone who might be a spy halfway across the city, probably not. Yet here I am.

But it's been thirty minutes of sitting around and I'm starting to think this is a bad idea. I'm cold, I'm tired, and if I stay out here any longer I might actually get mugged. Plus there's a whole lot of city and I'm just sitting in one alley. The likelihood I actually see Ghost is miniscule. I haven't seen anything more interesting than an old lady and her grandson eating churros.

Poking my nose around the corner again I scan the street. My eyes snag on a street corner a block away, the air is rippling as if heat is emanating from the sidewalk. Shifting forward for a closer look, I watch the air hum. I've seen that before. The air coalesces into a person, Ghost. He glances around, before slipping off down another side street.

Jackpot. Jumping into my feet, I pull my baseball cap low over my brow. It's too dark for anyone to see me properly, but even so I've taken precautions. An oversized hoodie is pulled up to hide my hair and a scarf is wrapped deliberately around the bottom half of my face.

Moving onto the street, I tip my head down. I'm just another civilian getting off of the late shift at the local corner store and heading back to my apartment. Nothing to see here.

Ghost is a few blocks along the side street when I reach it. He's moving fast. Picking up my pace too, I tail him for another few streets. He only pauses once, his masked head turning from side to side. My feet stall under me and I shove my hands in my bag, pretending to rifle around for something. I can feel heat on the side of my head, as if he's boring holes right through the side of it. Hands shaking, I grab the first thing I touch, a headphone cord, looping it under my hood as if I'm about to listen to music.

When I finally dare to glance back up, he's gone. Muttering a string of curses under my breath I rush down the street. I should have just kept walking. My eyes flicker down every side street I pass until I get to the corner where he stopped. Peering into the shadows of the dim alleyway I look for any sine of life. Nothing.

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