eleven - stupid noodle arms

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* Hey guys there is a link to my Pinterest inspo board in my bio if you want to check it out! 

Also I'm sad this morning because the Chiefs lost the Superbowl. I'm not usually a football gal but I love the Chiefs and I'm sad that KC didn't win two years in a row. Hope you enjoy the chapter. *

- Rya -

My feet pound as I job back up to the school, behind me I can hear one of my teammates gaining on me. I put on a burst of speed. My arms pumping, the wind whipping my hair back. Everything around me blurs. The only thing that's important is the road before me. All thoughts of Supers and the League are gone. The stress of the day now miles behind me.

Just as I round the corner onto the track, Brad flies past me. I slow to a jog as I cross the track to the rest of the team. No reason to try and catch up with Westends star athlete.

"Ready to go?" I nearly jump out of my skin as the voice emanates from my right. A figure shimmers into existence at my shoulder.

"You jerk!" I hiss. Ghost chuckles and I can just tell that he's smirking under the mask. I punch him in the shoulder, "Did you just wait out here like that?"

"Well you can't just have a Super loitering outside your school can you?" He cocks his head.

"Sure... that's why." I mock, placing my hands on my hips "Definitely not because you thought it would be fun to scare the living-"

"Hey Morgan!" Brad calls across the field, interrupting my rant. "I'm not hallucinating, that's a Superhero right?"

I spin around quickly, wishing that Ghost had just stayed out of sight. Within seconds the whole team has formed a semicircle around Ghost. I'm shoved to the back, as a group of girls push up to Ghosts side, giggling. It's as if my presence was unnoticed, all anyones cares about is the Supers.

The whole group is buzzing with barely restrained excitement. Everyone clamoring over each other to have their question heard. I can't see Ghost beyond the heads of the rest of the team but I'm sure he's loving all the attention.

"What's your name?" A girl cries from the other side of the circle!

Before the Super can answer, I cup my hands around my mouth and call, "His name is Ghost."

A few of my teammates turn to me with looks of surprise. I give them a one shouldered shrug as if to say, doesn't everyone know about supers? They turn back to Ghost almost instantly.

A path opens up in the people before me and I can see the Super. The eyes of his mask are narrowed as he searches for me within the mass of students. Huh, maybe I was wrong, maybe he's not a 'throngs of adoring fans' kinda Super.

Or maybe he's upset that I'm spreading around the Super name he doesn't like.

His eyes fix on me and he pushes through the crowd, at my side in an instant. Beneath the mask I can recognize the telltale sign of his smirk. It's option two, option two, he's irritated, abort mission Rya.

I try to duck away but he wraps an arm firmly around my shoulders, steering me back into the center of the crowd.

"That's true, some people do call me Ghost," He calls, and I can feel his hand tighten around my arm, locking me to his side, "I'm sure you'll all be interested to know that your teammate Rya here came us with it."

Thirty shocked faces gape back at me, all of my teammates in awe of that fact that I know a Super. Never have I wished that I could disappear into thin air more than this moment. Unfortunately Ghosts arm wrapped around my shoulder is a firm reminder of the fact that I'm here.

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