fifteen - hi my name is...

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Looking up, I find the eyes of my roommate locked on me.

I can barely get the next words out. It's as if all the oxygen has been sucked from the room.

"Connor, it's her."

- Ghost -

"She who must not be named?" Connor asks, scrambling out of his chair and practically flying to my side. Though not actually flying, to his eternal shame Connor did not get powers while the son of the leader of the anti-enhanced movement did.

That's me by the way, if you haven't figured it out. Nick Harrington. And no the irony of my situation is not lost on me, thanks for pointing it out.

"Yes." I sigh, throwing the paper at Connor. My feet automatically take me in a small square, pacing the confines of the room, "The she-devil herself."

Belladonna, my lovely sister. If there was the opposite of a Super fan, that's what she would be. She hates me for abandoning our family, not that I had much choice. It was either that or wait until they discovered my powers and locked me in a room for the rest of eternity. Or worse.

But I don't think about that. Not anymore.

My eyes dip back down to the page, the words scrawled there in Belladonna's flowing cursive. Meet me tomorrow. 10 pm. Washington square park.

"You can not go." Connor says, waving the letter in the air in front of him, "She'll kidnap you, or drug, you or or" Connor looks around as he searches for some other horrendous act that my sister could accost me with, "Or she could hurt your feelings."

I snort out a laugh, falling back onto the couch cushions. "Yes, I think that she wants to meet with me to hurt my feeling like we're still children."

"You know what I mean," Connor waves away his other words. His eyes are large as he holds a hand up to his head, "She'll get in your head, she'll mess with your mind."

"They've already found me, whether I go to this or not she'll come after me," I can feel the dread creeping into my stomach. It's been four years since I ran away from home. I haven't seen Bella since then, not until today. I didn't think I would react like I did, I didn't know I would lose control of my powers.

I saw the look on her face when I rematerialized, she knew exactly who I was. Connors right, if I go Bella will try and manipulate me. But if I don't, who knows what could happen. It's more terrifying to think of what Bella could do when she's angry, not just to me but to Trey.

To Rya.

"At least this way I can limit who else gets hurt." I mutter.

Connor shakes his head, "Nick in your 20 years of life that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say and in the past four years you've said some pretty supid stuff. Just tell Uncle Arch, he'll take care of it."

Connor's right, we've planned for when they would find me. Archer said as soon as anyone in my family contacted me to tell him, immediately. That was his one condition when he took me in four years ago.

That was not a popular decision with the council by any means, letting not just any underaged Super but the son of a Harrington into the League. They made me promise to keep my identity a secret - only Connor and the five council members know. They knew that if anyone else in the League was to find out it would cause mass panic. I didn't fight them, knowing that the more people who knew me, the more of a chance there would be for Bella to find me.

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