Dark Rya - Bonus Chapter

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- bonus chapter outside of the storyline - 

I decided it would be fun to write a scene where Rya was the Villain. For those of you who have seen Teen Wolf, this is a Void Styles type beat.

Instead of swearing off her powers after the bank explosion, Rya became vengeful. She hunted down those responsible for tarnishing her image, stopping at nothing to find and destroy every last one. Along the way and she lost herself, becoming the worse Villain of all.

Warning - stronger language than usual.


Thick blood runs in rivulets down the man's face, like scarlet tears, a reminder of what he's done. Of what he needs to pay for.

Drops fall to the concrete, black in the dim light.

I take a step forward, kneeling down and placing a finger beneath the man's chin. He shudders as I force his gaze up to meet mine. I study the ring of dark bruises around his eye, the blood dripping from his temple. I take in his wretched, bruised face.

And I smile.

Finally, the last one.

"I've waited a long time to get you face to face," I murmur. Whispering echoes reflect through the warehouse around us with each word. I've mastered my anger over these past years, when I let it rule me they just think I'm a stupid kid. They don't fear me as they should.

But I proved them wrong.

Every single one of them.

The gang that set up the bank heist, the reporters that dragged my name through the mud, the cops that testified against me, everyone who ruined my life they all got a special gift from Shadow. Perspective.

Now they all know how it feels to be that powerless, to watch as their world burns around them, just as I had to watch mine. Except I made sure they knew exactly who was to blame. It's a luxury I didn't have when I hunted them all down. But they all know me now, and I made sure they will never forget.

Tonight is special, though. The last one. The Super who destroyed my everything. The one who cost me my life and my family, who turned me into this Villain.

Now I get to destroy him.

"Do you remember me?"

He gives a panicked nod, the motion sending a dribble of blood cascading from the corner of his swollen lips and onto my glove. Drawing my hand back I swipe it against the sleeve of his jacket, leaving a livid red streak against the beige. The metal tang of it fills my nose. Familiar and sweet.

The smell of revenge.

I take a step back pulling off my soiled gloves and letting them drop to the ground. They're sticky with the blood of dozens. All liars and criminals.

"Then you know I'm the worst mistake you ever made."

I pause, letting the man stew in his pain. In the low light, I can see fear slashing through his gaze. Good. He should be afraid.

Sirens sound, a faint twang in the distance. They're not coming for me, no one knows I'm here. Even if they did, I could be long gone before they set a toe through the door.

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