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"I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
― Markus Zusak, The book Thief 


I've always loved books and I'm sure that you have too. I love the experience of being transported into a world where anything is possible. If this story can inspire in even one person the wondrous feeling that we are living an extra life than the hours I've worked on this will have been worth it. 

Also I want my books and page to be a safe, inclusive space for all. In this book there are characters that are BIPOCs, part of the LGBTQ+ community, and struggle with mental health. I am doing my best to portray these characters in an accurate light through the lens of my own experiences. If you have a concern about the way I portray a character please DM me. Or just DM me in general I love hearing your feedback!   

Happy Reading! : ) 

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