seventeen - we are not doing trust falls

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*Happy Monday, let's read some more about Superheroes!* 

- Rya -

I don't even flinch when I see Ghost leaning against my front door. It's really more of a surprise that I haven't seen a single super all day. Trey didn't show up at school today which tells me that he's taking this a lot more personally than he should. This isn't about him after all. It's my history, I can tell it to whoever I want. That just happens to be no one.

"Aren't you mad at me too?" I call across the driveway, thankful that for once he decided not to show up at school. It's been hell since he came to practice. My teammates won't stop asking questions like I'm the resident school superhero expert. I don't have the heart to tell them that the only thing I want with supers is for them to leave me alone.

I was hoping that would happen now that the League knows I'm a Super. I have powers I can protect myself right? Apparently that's not how the system works. At least not until I tell them what I can do, which is never going to happen. So we're back to square one of getting the League to leave me alone.

It's not that I mind Ghost, as irritating as he can be sometimes. I mind the constant barrage of questions. The League is poking around my life and sooner or later they're going to find out something that they shouldn't have.

Ghost waves a hand, jumping down the steps, "If we start keeping score of who has the most secrets this friendship is going to fall apart very quickly."

A twinge of concern goes to me. I know Ivette had her suspicions about Ghost but after last night I just dismissed them as jealousy. Now I can't help but wonder how many secrets does this Super actually have?

"Aren't we training?" 

"No, after yesterday I think we need a break." The super responds as I make my way across the driveway toward him. 

"I'm surprised you didn't show up today," I push past him, spinning my key in the lock on the front door. "I mean, with Trey gone." 

I stop speaking just as the lock clicks open. It's extremely convenient that Ghost was here exactly when I got home... Too convenient.

I turn slowly, narrowing my eyes as I look at the gray masked figure before me. "You were there weren't you." 

He shrugs and I swear there's a smirk beneath his mask. I try and think back through the day. Was there anyone I didn't recognize in class? Could he really have held onto his phasing all day and just walked around invisibly? 

"Stalker." I mutter. 

"That's what they train me for." He give me two thumbs up, "If it makes you feel any better I stayed outside your school all day." 

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the door and push it open. I can't even muster up irritation at him, I'm too surprised it took me this long to realize he was there. 

As we make our way inside, I glance around. The twins are hunched over a computer at the kitchen table. Reiss looks over as soon as he hears the door open. I see his eyes widen and he elbows his brother in the ribs.

Of Ghost and Ivette, the former is by far their favorite. My theory is that because Ivette never wears a uniform, they don't really think of her as a Super. Ghost on the other hand, now he looks the part.

I try to pull him away so the boys can't bombard him with questions but before I can escape upstairs I'm blocked from the stairs by a different figure. My mom, laundry basket against her hip, stands between us and my room

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