thirty-eight - thank you?

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* Two updates in less than a week? Who is she? I was really just stuck on that last chapter! Now the rest of the book is going to go pretty quick and then hopefully I can move into editing / a sequel. I feel like my writing style has changed a lot over the summer, but I tried to keep these chapters consistent with the rest of the story, any changes should only come out once I do edits!*   

*Fluff warning lol* 


For the first time since I joined, the halls of the League are deserted. I think the Council sent everyone home, not wanting more people present for Shadows trial than need be. I'm not sure when we got here, I think somewhere on the ride back from the mansion I passed out from exhaustion and when I woke up I was back in the med wing. Everything from tonight is a blur of exhaustion in my scattered mind.

This time no one was there to keep me pinned in the medical suite. Now I'm slipping through the darkened hallways, my feet automatically taking me back to the third floor.

I have no idea where Rya is or if she's even still here, but if anyone knows it'll be Connor. I'm not sure he'll speak to me anymore though. Not after how he was acting today.

The doors to the third floor swing open under my touch and I see three other figures in the room. As I get closer, I realized it's not exactly who I expected. Connor's back is to me on one of the many couches, but across from him Ivette and Alex are seated side by side. All three are talking in hushed voices.

Alex glances up and her eyes land on me. She waves me over and tentatively I join the group. Connor glances up at me and then back to the table, barely able to meet my eyes.

So much for that.

"Where's Rya?" I ask, not bothering with any pretense.

Alex looks to the other two, but when neither of them speaks, she shakes her head in exasperation, "Meeting with the council, or she will be soon."

When I don't look appeased, she shrugs, "Your partner is with her."

Of course, he is. I would expect no less from Nick, not with whatevers between he and Rya.

I bounce on the balls of my feet. I can't leave Rya right now, even with Nick there. I should be there, especially with how terrible I was when I found out she was Shadow.

"You can't help her now." Ivette glances up at me between her fingers. She's sprawled out on the couch, her hand pressed over her eyes. For the first time, I realize just how terrible she looks. Clearly being in the Harrington house had an effect on her, she doesn't seem to have recovered from having her powers ripped away.

I wonder if I look that bad as well.

Ivette drags her eyes from me to Connor and then lets out an exasperated sigh.

"I think I need coffee," She looks at Alex and something flashes in her eyes, as she grabs the other girl's hand, "You do too."

"But I don't drink coffee," Alex splutters but Ivette shushes her, pulling her off the couch.

She drags the other girl down the hall and I swear I hear her whisper, "If those two don't talk to each other I'm going to scream, I swear."

I tap my fingers against my leg, not daring to look up at Connor. I don't remember everything that happened tonight, but the fear in his face when he looked at me is clear enough.

"How in the world do you have that much energy," Connor mutters, still not looking at me.

"Sorry." I shake my head.

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