thirty-seven - you look... normal

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Hey hey! It's been a while since I posted for Masks. This is, technically a chapter... it may not have been edited so if there are some mistakes I would like to apologize in advance. 


The dark-haired boy that phases back into existence is not at all what I expected.

He looks so... so normal. The shock of dark hair, the brown eyes, even down to his freckles, everything is so perfectly mundane. I was expecting him to be older at the very least, at most some perfect Clark Kent type with the macho muscles and holier than thou Superhero expression.

But he's not.

In fact, if I didn't know better, I wouldn't think he was a Super at all.

His eyes are fixed on Belladonna, relaxed, almost cocky, as he looks at her. The only expression I would expect from my partner.

The confident facade cracks as his eyes flick to Connor. I don't miss the strained look they share. It's clear the two know each other outside the mask.

And they know something, something I don't.

Bella girns like a child who's just received the best birthday present. Pressing her hands together in glee as she stares at Ghost, "Do they see it yet?"

"See what?" I whisper to Ivette in confusion.

Her face is pale as she stares at the boy who is Ghost. Slowly she shakes her head, hands tightening into fists at her side. Her lips part as if to speak, but no sound comes. After a moment she just shakes her head again.

Bella claps in delight, her eyes turned on Ivette, "Oh she's seen it. Now, what about you blondy?"

"Enough." Ghost's voice is laced with frustration as he takes a step forward. "Last chance to let them go."

Bella doesn't even look at him, just flicks a dismissive hand in his direction.

It occurs to me that while Rya said he was taken prisoner, he doesn't seem particularly kidnapped. The rest of us are either shot or incapacitated, yet there he stands, perfectly fine.

Bella's eyes travel to Connor, narrowing as she sees his expression, "You already know though, don't you? Of course, Nicky would never lie to you because he's practically your brother, right?"

"But he's not your brother," Bella flicks her hair over her shoulder, clearly savoring this moment, "He's mine."

I think I've maxed out my shock factor after hearing that Rya is Shadow because the news doesn't surprise me. In fact, I don't think my partner's evil lineage even cracks my top ten list of earth-shattering events this week.

Rya's a Supervillain, I might have two powers, need I go on?

I squint at the boy before me. Now that I know the truth, I can see the familiarity in his face. His features no longer seem completely foreign. Instead, a slow memory is taking shape in the back of my mind, piecing together bit by fractured bit.

He's older and more serious and the terrible Bieber haircut is gone, but he's undeniably the kid from the image of the Harrington family. No wonder he knew so much about them.

From my other side, I hear Ivette breathe, "I always knew he was hiding something."

"Grow up Ivette, we're all hiding something." Connor snaps, his gaze cutting to me.

This time it really does hurt worse than the bullet wound.

I don't have time to process the fear that Connor has built up because Bella turns back to her brother with a sneer, "I guess they're all stupid enough to be loyal to you, too bad they don't know how quickly you turn on the people you love."

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