twenty nine - this chapter is explosive

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*Guys I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out it was killing me. I had to close a plot hole but I got it and it's here now! Enjoy!*


The light above me flickers, casting harsh lines over the linoleum top of the diners table. I will myself to stay still, to stay present, to act normal. But with every one of my nerves firing it's nearly impossible. I can still hear the panic in Nick's voice when he answered the phone, telling me to get away from my house. To get out now.

It's been half an hour since the League released my name. I'm now officially an outcast, officially wanted. I'll never be able to go anywhere without this fear hovering over me.

This is it, this is what I've been dreading for years.

Peering over the top of the menu, I glance around the dingy diner. I've never been here before, so natural it was the perfect meeting spot. It's the farthest, most out of the way place I could think of. There's absolutely no connection to me. No way for the League to find me here.

From the corner of my eye, I survey the few occupants. Near the doors a woman sags against the vinyl seat, a toddler drooling on her arm as he snores. A few tables back a hulking man in a construction uniform is hunkered over a cup of coffee, glaring when the waitress passes within a few feet of him. I positioned myself as far from them as possible, facing the door so I can ensure I notice anyone else entering. Still I duck lower, burying my head in the laminated menu.

Everything's so normal. I don't understand. I'm frozen by my past mistakes and the world is spinning on without me.

The bell on the diner's door dings and I pull the cap lower on my head. My face has been running on every media station for the past hour. I might just be the most recognizable Villain of this generation.

Someone slides into the seat across from me. My gaze snaps up, clashing with a pair of soft brown eyes. I barely keep myself from bolting out of the seat in the split second before I recognize Nick.

Closing my eyes, I breathe a slow sigh of relief.

Thank god. Nick will have a plan, he has to. He knows the League, if he can't help me... No, we're not letting my mind go there.

My blood pounds through every inch of my body as I wait. Nick's eyes are flickering around the room, taking in everyone. With a jolt I realize that he's casing diner, pinpointing anything that could be a potential threat. Besides me that is.

A moment later his gaze moves back to me and he raises an eyebrow. Leaning forward, Nick flicks the brim of my hat, muttering, "What are you wearing?"

"I'm incognito." I mutter, drawing the string of my hoodie closer. The hood is pulled low over the top of my hat, hiding my hair. I put on my darkest pair of sunglasses in a desperate attempt to hide the rest of my face.

"You look so obvious." The side of his mouth quirks up as he slides the other menu in front of him. "You might be able to pass for hungover if it wasn't five am but as it is you just look-"

He shakes his head, not bothering to finish the sentence as his smirk grows. I ignore his comment, instead reaching into my backpack and pulling out another hat.

"You're in this now too, you need a disguise." I reach  over the table and plop it onto his head.

He bites the inside of his lip, trying not to grin.

He fails.

"This is not funny," I hiss at him over the top of the menu. Of course he's not taking this seriously. Ghost never did, I don't know why I expected anything else just because he's not wearing a mask.

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