twenty seven - having fun ruining my life?

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*It's (almost) Monday and you know what that means! I'm giving you a recap because it feels like a long time since you read the last chapter with Trey.*



"Two fractured ribs is not fine." Connor gives me a pointed look as if he's daring me to get up, but I can tell he's distracted. His eyes keep flickering toward the ceiling where the lights are again working normally.

"But they aren't fractured anymore because healing." I make jazz hands. I don't know what's got Connor all upset, I'm the one that got tossed around by a supervillain.


"You're still in the League, I'm not saying turn me in but at least go. Pretend everything is normal so you don't lose your job."

He looks torn, glancing back and forth between me and the message on his screen. It's so much harder now that I can see his face. I had no problem kicking Ghost out.

The Supers hand tightens in mine. I didn't realize I was still holding it. Squeezing back, I wait until Nick looks to me again. Trying to push every ounce of meaning into the words I whisper, "Don't give up your life because of Shadow."

- Trey -

I can't sleep.

Connor left hours ago. I'm supposed to be resting, but I can't. In fact I've never felt more awake. Whatever energy surge I sucked from the room earlier left my veins humming with electricity. Now I'm completely awake and very, very bored.

I check my gauntlet again, 4:01.


Connor took the one holotablet with him, trust me I checked every nook and cranny of this room for anything of interest. There's nothing. Unless you find bandages and cotton swabs to be fascinating.

They are not. I tried to build something, the remains are still piled on the edge of the table. Hey guys, look at my beautiful malformed blob. Art critics everywhere should take note.

I just keep waiting for the inevitable crash, when whatever adrenaline high I've been running on ends and I pass out. But it hasn't come yet. At this point it might be better to just try and sneak past the nurses and into the rest of HQ, at least that would be interesting.

There's a click and the door swishes open. Instantly I'm on my feet.

Connor blinks in surprise, probably at the fact that I'm not asleep like I'm supposed to be. Ah, well.

He shakes off his shock, stepping into the room. As the light hits his face, I see dark shadows carved into the skin under his eyes. Clearly I'm not the only one who had a hard time sleeping, though I feel a lot more awake than Connor looks.

"I found something."

Those are his first words before pressing the holotablet into my hands. On the screen is a profile of an all too familiar Villain.

Alias: Destroyer

Ability: Super Strength

Identity: Mathew Cruz

PT rank (1-12): 9

Wanted for assault, robbery, destruction of property, evading arrest, ect.

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