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Wow, I can not believe that I actually finished this story it's been a wild ride. If you're here that means you finished it too, which is incredible.

I started this story almost four years ago and in that time, my writing style has changed drastically (which I'm sure you've noticed if you've read some of my latest works). At first, I just thought it would be fun to write an mc who you found out was a villain, but not really.

As I wrote, this story took on new layers and has incredible personal significance for me. Masks has become an allegory for the struggles we can face with anxiety and depression. It's about learning to accept that part of yourself and even find the positives in your differing ability.

Writing this helped me work through a lot of my own feelings toward my mental health, even if I didn't realize it at the time. I depended a lot on those around me. Even though I may not have had my own Nick, I had others who had gone through similar things and were able to help pull me back from the darkness.

Since this story is tied to such an integral part of my life, I want to do these characters justice. I've improved as a writer and I will be rewriting masks with a better plot structure and more importantly my new style. That probably won't be for a while though. Between school, work, and just the craziness of life, this story will need to be put on the back burner.

I know most of you are probably wondering about the sequel I promised. I do have drafts for another book, but as of now, I won't be publishing it. It'll stay in my writing archive, but currently, I'm just too busy to write it well. Additionally, I like the significants of this ending to Rya's journey and I'm fine with leaving it there for now.

Again thank you so much! All of you that read / vote / comment on my writing mean the world to me! <3

If you liked this story please please please give me a follow to stay updated! Feel free to check out any of my other works as well. My hope is to write more original works soon! 

Currently, I'm working on a twisted tropes book where I take all your favorite topes - the chosen one, the rebellion, etc. - and give them a unique twist. It's a mix between dystopian and fantasy. It stars an oppressive King, a rebel leader who has embraced her destiny, and a golden retriever boy that's not sure he knows right from wrong anymore.


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