twenty eight - i make my best friend a wanted criminal

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*Hello, hello! Bonus chapter because I can't keep to a schedule!*

Trey - Thirty Minutes Earlier

"So are you saying that the Harrington's are working with a Super because that seems insane." I ask as Connor and I push our way through the doors back to the lobby.

As soon as we're back in the heart of HQ we're enveloped by a mass of Supers, the colorful uniforms and masks surrounding us from every side. I blink back shock, almost running into the nearest Hero. This is the largest gathering of Heroes I've seen in my two months here, hell almost every active member of the League must be in.

It's because of Shadow. She keeps getting shoved to the back of my mind, swarmed out by thoughts of Destroyer and the Harringtons.

"Trust me this is the first thing tonight that even kinda makes sense to me." Connor mutters, shoving his way through the Supers without a second thought.

I follow in his wake, ducking my head as the eyes of older supers snag on my ripped uniform. There was no replacement for me, at least not one that's ready, and so I'm forced to continue walking around with a huge gash in the side of my suit. The torn fabric is a clear sign that I've been through a recent healing and the worst part is that people continue to glance at me as if I'm about to pass out.

"Okay put aside the question of insanity." I grab Connors arm, trying to get him to turn toward me. He's barely looked at me once since we left the medical wing. I don't know what's distracted him but it's clearly bad, he won't even meet my eyes.

The crowd of Supers flows around us as I wait. Connor stopped too, but his eyes are still fixed on the tiles beneath his feet. His rumpled hair is falling into his eyes as always, obscuring his expression.

When I'm sure he's not going to look at me, I sigh. Hoping to at least distract him I ask, "Who should we be focusing on the Harringtons or Destroyer."

Scuffing his foot against the tile he shrugs, "Doesn't matter, if we find one we find the other."

His feigned indifference finally makes me snap. Planting my hands on my hips I snap, "How about instead we stay here and pretend that you're not awkwardly avoiding me."

His head whips up so fast that I'm surprised he doesn't get whiplash. He shoves his hair out of his eyes, "I'm not avoiding you."

I raise an eyebrow and Connors shoulders slump.

"Well I'm not being awkward about it." He mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why?" I throw my hand up in exasperation. Nothing about this makes sense, I mean I was the one who got hurt, I was the one with the suspension, why in the hell is he mad at me?

"It's not about you, it's just." He groans, stringing his hands through his hair, "We can't talk about it."

"Why the hell not?" Even with my raised voice, my words are drowned out by another. Both Connor and I spin, searching for the sources as the words echo around the lobby.

"No, listen, I need to talk with someone on the council right now!"

I recognize the voice immediately. My eyes lock on the front desk and Emery standing before it, arguing heatedly with the techs there.

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