twenty four - hello kitty

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*Hey guys I'm back! This chapters a little early because it's been two weeks and I miss hearing from y'all! If you want posting updates read this next paragraph if not, you can just skip it and head straight to the story!

 Thanks for being patient with me as I try to finish the story and do school work at the same time, it's a lot busier than I expected. I want to keep posting consistently for you guys, not only does it keep the story alive but I miss seeing everyones comments. Taking that into account I'm going to be moving back to posting once a week at least until the school year is over. If I didn't there would be a lot more of these posting hiatuses and that's just not fun for anyone. So every Monday it is, hopefully that will help you start off the week right!* 

- Rya -

The world is silent as we make our way back toward my street, the Villain alarms have faded leaving only a hollow echo ringing in my ears. My house isn't necessarily the most secure location to talk, but trying to talk in my neighbors backyard seemed more dangerous. This gives me time. I know that once I start talking the whole explanation will have to come.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

My eyes flicker over our surroundings. The houses are all locked up tight. The street is deserted and that by itself is enough to make me shiver even in the warm spring air. There are always kids out playing on a nice night like this, but not now. The air is sticky. The promise of rain hanging over us is heightening the anticipation within me. It feels like the world is on pause, everything holding its breath, waiting for what's going to happen next.

The street lights have flickered on, casting harsh glare over the street and leaving long shadows around every corner. Urbandonia hasn't felt this much fear in years, not with the League headquarters here. But no one's taking any chances tonight.

Ghosts fingers are intertwined with mine. His grip is tight, anchoring me to his side as if he's afraid I'm going to bolt again.

I won't. There's no point, not now that he knows. He hasn't put the mask back on. I guess there's no point for that either.

Both our secrets are out.

Out of the corner of my eye I study him. There's a hazy memory floating in the back of my mind. Of brown eyes and cold wind and the light of a hundred cars passing below.

That's all thought. Shadow is a part of my life that I hate with a passion. I've spent so much time blocking out those memories that calling them back up is virtually impossible.

Ghost - Nick - catches my eye and quickly I look away, embarrassed. It's disconcerting to see his face. I've gotten so used to the expressionless expanse of gray fabric that the sight of his eyes takes me aback. Up close I can see that his eyes are coffee brown with bronze strands woven through them.

I know what's coming. In that split second I could see it in his eyes. The barrage of questions he's been holding back. It's hanging in the air between us, pessing into me with a suffocating weight. Questions about me, about Shadow, about everything. I'm not sure I'm ready to relive it.

"I have to ask," Nick starts.

I can feel his gaze still fixed on me. Stabbing panic pulses in my stomach like a drum. I'm not ready.

The stifling anticipation is worse than any question could be. Finally I force my gaze back to his, about to demand he just get it over with. What I see there stops me. Instead of the suspicion I expect his eyes sparkle with mischief.

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