thirty two - matt straight up sucks

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*Hey guys! I know it's not Monday but I wanted to make sure I got this part right. Bella is a really fun Villain and I wanted to do her justice. Let me know what you think in the comments! Also anyone catch the chapter title reference?*

- Nick -

Gaping windows stare back down at me as the last of the rain pattering against my upturned face. I take in the soaring arches and parapets of my childhood home. Well, most people wouldn't consider it a home, most would consider it a mansion but we don't need to quibble over the details.

I can't help but see each dark window as an eye, all watching me, wondering why I'm back after all this time.

I'm not wondering though. I know this was the only option. Bella will stop at nothing to get what she wants but this time she can't have it. She can't have Rya.

"So what's the plan?" I mutter, cutting my eyes over to Bella who stands beside me, "We just walk in there and hope that Father is suddenly okay with all this."

My hands are no longer bound by the cuffs so I let the power flow through my fingers, waving my hand through the space where Bellas arm is. She flinches away at the use of my powers and shoots me an irritated look, "You know very well that he's almost never here, he's in DC or something I never know."

There's a bitterness behind her words that's oh so familiar from our childhood. Quickly she rearranges her features, covering the resentment with the constant mask of indifference. She takes a step forward, gesturing for me to follow her inside, "Anywho, we'll have a good week to figure out what to tell him."

Hesitation flows through me as I look back up at the arched doors yawning open before me. I haven't been here for years and every memory I have connected with this place has been tainted since I found out I was a Super. Going back inside would be like voluntarily walking into a nightmare.

A shadow looms over me and I glance up, seeing Destroyer's dark brow drawn in anger.

"Yeah I know, I know, I said I would go voluntarily." I growl, shoving him away from me. Every muscle in my body still aches from being thrown against that tree earlier and I'm not anxious for round two. I walk toward the entrance, muttering under my breath, "And make sure to pretend to be happy, blah blah blah."

Apparently I wasn't as quiet as I intended because a few steps ahead I see Bellas shoulders tighten. Spinning in the center of the vaulted entryway she turns to her lackey, her commanding tone back in an instant, "Matt go take off that ridiculous suit and run through security procedures. Make sure that no one followed us."

We both wait as Destroyer thunders out of the room. When he's finally disappeared I cross my arms leaning against the banister of the sweeping staircase that leads up to the next level. I quirk an eyebrow in exasperation, "How are you working with a Super?"

"Matt isn't a Super. He's an idiot, sure, just not a Super." Bella rolls her eyes. Her blonde hair falling in wet clumps into her face, "You just add a cocktail of steroids to an already egotistical bodybuilder and boom you have yourself a homemade superhero. Or villain if that's more your speed."

Her patronizing tone grates against my nerves. Shaking my head in irritation I turn away, muttering, "Wow you really planned this all out to a tee didn't you?"

Bellas heels clip against the pristine tile as she approaches. Still I don't glance down at her as she rests her hand on my arm with a sigh, "Look Nicky, if you're not even going to try to enjoy being home what's the point?"

An indignant laugh forces its way from my lungs. I don't regret my choice, not for a moment, but what's the point? As if I didn't sacrifice everything by coming here.

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